Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game Set: A Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game

Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game Set: A Star Wars Miniatures Starter GameEven though all of the figures and maps in this starter set have been previously released in other sets, I still feel compelled to give it four stars for the following reasons.First, you know exactly what six figures you are getting (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Rebel Captain, Rebel Heavy Trooper, Darth Vader, Elite Stormtrooper, and Heavy Stormtrooper).And, while I would rather have had some new figures to play with, I very much appreciate the fact that you know exactly what you are getting up front.Further, if you happen to need one or more of these figures/maps, it's definitely worth buying this starter.Second, the Obi-Wan Kenobi figure was originally a very rare figure from the Rebel Storm set, and the Darth Vader figure was originally a very rare figure from the Revenge of the Sith set.Thus, until now these figures were harder to get and therefore fairly expensive.But, now you can get them both for one low price.Third, though one side of the map was previously released in the Revenge of the Sith Ultimate Missions book (the "Chancellor's Starship/Thrown Room Map" map), the other one was previously released only as a promo (the "Korriban Valley of the Dark Lords" map).So while previously available, most people will likely not have one or both of these maps.Finally, the set includes a D20, latest rule book, and force/damage counters, so if this is the very first Star Wars minis item you are purchasing, you will still be able to have a fairly fun game right out of the box.

In sum, if you already have the figures and maps listed above, you will not need to buy this starter set.But, if you don't already have these figures or maps, it's definitely a very good buy for the price.Further, if you are new to the game and just want to give it a try, this is a very inexpensive and reasonable way to do so.

Buy Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game Set: A Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game Now

This Starter Set for the Star Wars Miniatures game includes a total of six figures. Four are only average in power, while the other two (Darth Vader and Ben Kenobi) are powerful. The rulebook is thick, but mostly easy to understand. The game is very fun, and after playing with this set a few times, you'll probably want to buy booster packs to add to your collection. The double-sided map is good. My only complaint about it is that the Valley of the Dark Lords side has some squares that are hard to see. Overall, great product.

Read Best Reviews of Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game Set: A Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game Here

This set is a gret way to start you own squad, includes two squads with 70 points on each. Also is the best way to get an Obi Wan Kenobi and a Darth Vader from the classic trilogy era, both are great miniatures.

Want Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game Set: A Star Wars Miniatures Starter Game Discount?

This product took almost 3 weeks to get to my house. I've never had any shipping problems to my house before. When the product came, the box was in terrible condition and it didn't have the battle map, the player cards, or the damage counters. Waste of my time to buy from this seller.


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