This was a good item for my seven-year-old. He loves playing on the iPad. It did not keep his interest very long but that could just be due to many other presents he received for his birthday and Christmas.

I found his game highly addictive and really fun and totally didn't think I would! I'm a long-time heroclix gamer and thought it looked a little too "young" for my tastes, but I was really surprised! One cool thing is, even though my wife would NEVER play Heroclix, she's LOVES Angry Birds and has already said she wants to try this game as wellMarvel Super Heroes HeroClix TabApp , 3-PackMarvel Super Heroes HeroClix TabApp, 3-Pack!
It's simple enough for young players (and wives and other non-comic geek types!!!) but it does have different difficulty levels and can be challenging for more experienced players.
I had a blast doing demos at GenCon and will probably get an ipad just so we can play this game (although I've heard the ipad does have OTHER uses as well!:) )Marvel Super Heroes HeroClix TabApp , 3-PackMarvel Super Heroes HeroClix TabApp, 3-PackMarvel Super Heroes HeroClix TabApp , 3-PackMarvel Super Heroes HeroClix TabApp, 3-Pack
Buy Marvel Super Heroes HeroClix TabApp , 3-PackMarvel Super Heroes HeroClix TabApp, 3-Pack Now
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