Namco Pac-Man Battle Royale 4-Player Cocktail Cabinet

Namco Pac-Man Battle Royale 4-Player Cocktail CabinetHow long has it been since there was a new Pac-Man game in the style of his oldies from the 80s? Actually, it has been that long. Fortunately, for Pac-Man's 30th Anniversary, Namco creates a game that the yellow guy really should have gotten a little earlier: Pac-Man Battle Royale!

The main hook here is that you can play against anyone else that's using the machine. You use the Power Pellets not only to eat ghosts, but to eat other Pac-Men! It works just as great as it sounds. And to top it all off, the game is similar to that of Pac-Man Championship Edition, with its techno music and stylish graphics!

The only real flaw in the game is if you play alone. The game throws in a CPU player that is very, very easy to beat. But luckily, people would always be playing this game, so you may not need to worry!

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