My daughter got this toy for Christmas and I was very surprised at all the features that it offers. A family member bought this for her and it was something I had never considered buying because it didn't stand out as a worthwhile item. Now that I've seen my daughter play with it I would definitely recommend it. Especially if you can find a good deal. I didn't see any insert that came with it that describes the toys features so we have kind of figured it out as we've played. Here is a list of the features we have discovered:
-Play ultrasound monitor that reveals two kitties in mommy's belly when lever is slid across top of monitor.
-Mommy kitty is hollow so that you can put the baby kitties under her (one at a time)until the babies are ready to be born.
-Delivery basket that makes a meow noise when lifted and kittens slide down the slide to get their first bath.
-Cool water reveals a colored heart on the kittens to tell what gender each kitten is. (blue and pink)
-A scale to weigh kitties. (It doesn't really do anything but hold the kitties.
-The scale arm is also a lever for a trap door that makes the kitten disappear and reappear.
-Button that when pressed makes a heart beat sound.
-Barbie has a button in her back that makes her arm do a petting motion.
-Barbie has a doctor bag that includes a mini syringe, medicine, and stethoscope.
The barbie is really pretty and well dressed. Although, I guess her lab coat doesn't come off but that's o.k. with us because she's always going to be vet barbie. My daughter told me not to take her lab coat off when I tried to anyway. We have had so much fun with this set. It's a little goofy in the way that Kitty Care Vet Barbie takes care of these kittens but I also find it very amusing.
Buy Barbie I Can Be Kitty Care Vet Now
My daughter wants to be a vet when she grows up.I like that this places Barbie in a profession that is reasonable, not just actress, movie star, pop star,etc.Great toy for my 9 year old daughter.Read Best Reviews of Barbie I Can Be Kitty Care Vet Here
My daughter received this set for her 4th birthday.She loves Barbies and is content to change their clothes and brush their hair forever!But the adults wanted a little more for the dolls 'to do', if that makes sense.She has several of these sets, and it is nice to just pull out these pieces and a couple of extra dolls and role play a trip to the vet.The pieces are not very durable and there are some tiny ones that could easily get lost, but my daughter plays with them pretty well. In case anyone wondered about organization, we keep these plastic sets (we also have the newborn doctor and the zoo doctor) in a container separate from the dolls and clothes (so they won't get broken by the weight of the dolls) and keep all the smaller accessories in a plastic pencil box.It makes it easy to keep track of the particular pieces of the set and easy to pull just those out while playing.While it's not a perfect set, my daughter has really enjoyed and will get our money's worth.My daughter loves animals and wants to be a vet when she grows up so having Barbie in that role was a nice fit for her. The cat that comes with the set is also cute. The vet table is a little small and the scale falls off easily but she still enjoys playing with it.
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