Shipped quickly. Sturdy. Easy to fold up and store. Perfect for the table that I bought for it to go with. My 7 1/2 year old loves it. Was what I expected.
Buy Folding Wood Chairs 2-Pack Now
I purchased these chairs for my grandchildren when they visit. They are well made and very sturdy. I feel confident that my grandchildren can sit safely to plat or eat. I love the convenience of storing them away until the next visit!These chairs were sent to my grand daughter's home in MS to accompany a table and 2 chairs.I haven't seen them, however my grand daughter is well pleased and the kids love them.These little chairs are built really well, look like quality pieces and have a great little locking latch underneath that keeps them from folding up on a child. I bought two sets and had four very active kids in them for multiple meals over several days. They worked perfectly. I had decided to invest a little in a set that would last, and these fill the bill. They will easily last for years to come. The wipe-off seats were comfy and very easy to clean up.
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