Scrabble Spanish

Scrabble SpanishI live in Puerto Rico. My friends and I usually play in both in English and Spanish at the same time. But if you what to learn Spanish I will recommend playing the game entirely en Español. I will give you the pros and cons of this version:


1. You can make higher scores in Spanish. K-8 points, W-8 points, Q-8 points but much easier to use, LL-8 points, RR-8 points, Ñ-8 points, and it is much easier to get rid of all your letters than in English.

2. Spanish words are written just as you pronounce them (that is why there are no Spanish spelling bees).

3. You can learn Spanish in a fun way, plus the game can be used in English and it has a couple more vowels.


1. There are no really good Spanish dictionaries, other than the Spanish Royal Academy Dictionary (Amazon has it at a reasonable price). And no Spanish Scrabble dictionary is to be found. This will make it hard on verb conjugation.

Whether you play it in Spanish or English or both the Spanish tiles are definitely better. Go ahead and try this version. Come on, you know you what to.

I ordered one of these for me since I am learning Spanish.When I played with my friends, they requested one also and I had to order two more.

If you like the english version of scrabble, and are learning or already know spanish, you will love this game.

Buy Scrabble Spanish Now

according to Wikipedia atthe English-language editions of Scrabble contain 100 letter tiles, in the following distribution:

* 2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)

* 1 point: E ×12, A ×9, I ×9, O ×8, N ×6, R ×6, T ×6, L ×4, S ×4, U ×4

* 2 points: D ×4, G ×3

* 3 points: B ×2, C ×2, M ×2, P ×2

* 4 points: F ×2, H ×2, V ×2, W ×2, Y ×2

* 5 points: K ×1

* 8 points: J ×1, X ×1

* 10 points: Q ×1, Z ×1

This distribution of letters has not changed since Alfred Butts invented the game in 1938.

Spanish-language sets sold within North America (known as Scrabble Edición en Español) use these 103 tiles:

* 2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)

* 1 point: A ×11, E ×11, O ×8, S ×7, I ×6, U ×6, N ×5, L ×4, R ×4, T ×4

* 2 points: C ×4, D ×4, G ×2

* 3 points: M ×3, B ×3, P ×2

* 4 points: F ×2, H ×2, V ×2, Y ×1

* 6 points: J ×2

* 8 points: K ×1, LL ×1, Ñ ×1, Q ×1, RR ×1, W ×1, X ×1

* 10 points: Z ×1

Spanish-language sets sold outside North America use these 100 tiles:

* 2 blank tiles (scoring 0 points)

* 1 point: A ×12, E ×12, O ×9, I ×6, S ×6, N ×5, L ×4, R ×5, U ×5, T ×4

* 2 points: D ×5, G ×2

* 3 points: C ×4, B ×2, M ×2, P ×2

* 4 points: H ×2, F ×1, V ×1, Y ×1

* 5 points: CH ×1, Q ×1

* 8 points: J ×1, LL ×1, Ñ ×1, RR ×1, X ×1

* 10 points: Z ×1

Stress accents are disregarded. The letters K and W are absent since these two letters are rarely used in Spanish words. According to FISE (Federación Internacional de Scrabble en Español) rules, a blank cannot be used to represent K or W.

Using one C and one H tile in place of the CH tile, two L tiles for the LL tile, or two R tiles for the RR tile is also not allowed in Spanish Scrabble (see rules in Spanish provided by the FISE).

Read Best Reviews of Scrabble Spanish Here

Scrabble is probably one of the games I remember playing first as an older kid; and the Spanish version was what I played at family gatherings it's part of my heritage.It was exciting to find it on the net!I called various toys r us stores and was only able to get it through the net.Great game.

Want Scrabble Spanish Discount?

If you know spanish, and love scrabble, then this is the game for you.If you are learning spanish, then I would recommend that you steer cleer.In my opinion, there aren't enough vowels, and too often I get the K, W, and X tiles.I have a friend from Panama who tells me that he finds the English version easier than the Spanish!Anyway, it is fun, but you must have a good working vocabulary, or a thorough knowledge of verb conjugation, in order to do well.

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