Big Sunday Football Game

Big Sunday Football GameI own and play many board games, and for this price you should get a lot more.If what you did get was at least adequate for a good gaming experience, then I'd be satisfied.But with the tiny die cut cardbpard pieces and too-small board, even careful players are in constant danger of knocking the scrimmage and first down markers way out of place.A forty-something dollar game could have cured this by making the field bigger and/or making these very important markers plastic & pegged.(Compare with other similarly priced games, and you'll see how very meager the included components are)

Also the rules are minimal & confusing, even if you kinow the rules for football very well.For instance, you have a cardboard score card with boxes for things like downs, time-outs, etc.But how do you useit?What boxes are for what?Do you write on it?With what?A dry-erase pen, a grease pencil, a wet-erase?Needless to say, no writing utensil is supplied.

And the rules are weird.4 "drives" per quater, then at the end of each half, the timer starts at the 2-minute warning...meaning you will know exactly who will have the ball at the 2mw, and it will be at the start of the possession.Boring.There are only 5 generic defnsive plays, but they are made slightly more interesting by adding a card representing which offensive player is being "targeted."There are 7 such cards.All this targeting does, though, is halve the yardage gained if you guess the central player correctly.

Penalties, the much touted feature of this game, are little more than a totally random nuisance.When they crop up, the type of penalty and the offender have absolutely nothing to do with what plays happened.It's a one-size-fits-all, totally random, table.

Also disappointing is that both teams are generic and totally equal.You never have, say, a passing strong, run-weak team, so the fun of asymmetrical contests is lost.

The offensive playbook is big, but with no description of the plays apart from basic charts, I was a bit let down. I want nice, english-language descriptions of the action to give a little color, remind players what the plays are all about, etc.

To sum up:


-Cheap small die-cut pieces make play difficult and accident-prone -this is my biggest complaint

-Confusing, incomplete rules

-Only 5 defensive plays

-offensive plays could use more colorful descriptions

-totally random penalties


-Has all the major rules of football represented in some form.

-An assortment of cards summing up rules for quick reference

-With better game components, it could be a fun, foot-like (but very random-feeling) board game.

I bought this for my 5 yr old son that loves and watches a lot of football. He loves the game but be warned that it plays slow at that age and requires a lot of explanation. Overall it's a fun game to play together and my husband thinks it's great.

Buy Big Sunday Football Game Now

I got this for my 9 year old son.He loves football and he loves this game!It's fun being able to choose all the plays, defense, etc.Great choice.

Read Best Reviews of Big Sunday Football Game Here

I highly recommend Big Sunday. The game has won several awards including The National Parenting Center's Seal of Approval, they write "...Big Sunday proves that it is worth the investment in time especially if you are already a football fan, no matter what your age" and the Mr. Dad seal of approval who had this to say about Big Sunday "Our panel evaluated many products and found this game to be among the very best at helping dads to not only stay involved with their children, but to improve the quality of that time spent together".

Emilie Hill, columnist for TDmonthly Magazine comment "On the outside, Big Sunday appears to be a simple football board game. However, once opened, it's clear that it's more complex than that. The game is a good way to learn the more intricate strategies involved in football."

Thumbs up all around to the creators of Big Sunday on producing a Big Winner!

-Richard Martin Leep

Publishing Editor for

Greater Games Industry

Want Big Sunday Football Game Discount?

Big Sunday plays exactly like real football. Just like the real thing on the field. Big Sunday has offense, defense, kicking and many scoring combinations. There are penalties, fumbles, Interceptions, sacks, and the exciting two minute warning. I know that if I throw the dice right at the game pieces it moves them so I do not do that. I also know that I should not place my drink on the board too. I know this is common sense. Sometimes the game can be slow just like real football, but sometimes it can be real exciting. I was playing it last night and I sacked the QB and caused a fumble that I recovered and ran back for a touchdown and that was very exciting. My son, who played one season of Pop Warner Football, told me he learned more about football playing Big Sunday in one night than the entire season he played last year.

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