Arcade Alley Bowlercade

Arcade Alley BowlercadeStrangely addicting!We bought this for my son's third birthday and it works perfectly.Easy to put together.My son learned in just minutes which buttons to push to run the game. Clear sound effects, automatically keeps score.Two weeks now, and he's still playing with it several times a day.

Drawback, needs batteries for both parts and the pins are too lightweight.Pins come off just a tad too easy.

I would recommend this toy for a very young child, definately not for older kids.Great activity for a young child with Mom and Dad too.

I purchased this Bowling Alley for my two sons ages 5 & 3 1/2.I don't know who has enjoyed it more, the kids or my husband & I.We have purchased Bowling games for them in the past that we spend more time setting up the pins or chasing the ball than they did knocking them down.With this one, the pins reset them self, the balls are returned back to you and it even keeps score.

After learning to play this game at home, my 5 year old is ready to try out a real bowling alley.

It is definitely worth the money.

Buy Arcade Alley Bowlercade Now

I bought this game for my 3 yr old son. He loves bowling in a real bowling alley so i thought this would be a nice game to have at home until having the game for 2 days and the return dont work properly(gets stuck),arcade sounds not that great and very easy to come apart(my son was very able to take the pins off). Returned it to the store and luckly they took it back cause it cost me 60 bucks and to have it lie around (eventually in pieces) would have drove me nuts. Do not buy this game, not worth the aggravation or money......

Read Best Reviews of Arcade Alley Bowlercade Here

My son loves bowling.I have no idea where he gets that from, since the only time he has actually been to a bowling alley was for his sixth birthday this year -long after he developed this craze.His favorite computer games are "Gutterball" and "Polar Bowler".He makes his own little pins and plays tabletop games.I don't pretend to understand it.

So, when he asked for this toy for Christmas, he weren't surprised.We were hesitant to buy it, however, because we were afraid it would be a big disappointment.When he made his list for Santa, this was the only thing on it. This was all he talked about for weeks before the holiday.We had to get it.

I'm so glad we did!It's been a great purchase.It's easy to put together and use.The sound effects are a big hit with the kids -even our 5-month old loves to watch us play.We use this toy as a reward; "get ready for bed quickly and we'll have time for bowling!"

A few complaints:the pins will pop off with the occassionally hard rolled ball.Luckily they snapped right back on.Also, the ball return is fickle, but this is probably the result of our uneven floors, though.This toy takes up quite a bit of floor space.It is not feasible to pack it up and take it out when you want to play.You really need to leave it out if you expect it to be played with.

Although there is a one-person setting, after the initial newness wore off, my son didn't like to play with it alone.He prefers to play it with a friend or parent.This presents a small problem as the maximum number of players that can play at a time is two.However, as there are only six frames per game groups of kids can play "round robin" or "winner stays up" quite easily.

The bumpers, automatic pin setup and ball return make this much for fun than the old sets we grew up with!

We really enjoy this family game.I would recommend it for ages 4-9, with older siblings and parents having fun as well.Definitely a good purchase if you have the room.

Want Arcade Alley Bowlercade Discount?

After I read the reviews on this toy, I wanted to cancel my order. Thankfully I didn't because my kids love it. I have two boys 5 & 9 and they love bowling with this toy. My kids have played with it since we got it in Feburary. In the reviews, people said the toy broke soon after playing with it. My kids play with it all the time and we have not had any problems. Everything still works great; the pins, the sound, and the ball return.


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