Electronic Hyperslide

Electronic HyperslideAlthough the age range for this one is noted as being for ages eight and up, I can personally testify to the fact that teens also find the Hyper Slide to be fun and challenging.

It comes equipped with five games and my son and a group of his friends spent hours in our living room, the only room with a roaring fire and some warmth, playing this game. They were laughing and cheering each other on in their attempt to slide the various colors of "pucks" or little chips under the arch of hyper slide as soon as the recorded voice of the "game leader" told them which colored chip to select.

What is particularly clever about the Hyper Slide is its single player option. To use it for solo players, you simply take a rubber strip and insert it into the appropriate parts of the arch, converting it instantly from a 2 person game to one for an individual player. Very smart!

THere are five games of varying difficulty. The most challenging for our family was the one where a pattern of colors would be noted (red, yellow, yellow would be one example) and then an ADDITIONAL color would be added to that pattern so that the player would have to remember an increasing number of chips to slide through the arch, all in a given time limit. Try it and see how hard it can be.

Because of the different levels of difficulty, I have to rate this one high. It held our teen's attention and those of his friends for most of a day and has continued to be popular.

The Hyper Slide turned out to be so much fun! It is fast paced and challenging. I love it because even though there is a two year age difference, my boys play together all the time. Even their little sister has gotten into playing and loves the one player option. She is only four and is improving daily at the add one game. It helps her with her memorization which is cool. It doesn't require much room, just a smooth table. Also, easy to put away with a compartment for all of the peices. Definately a perfect toy for the whole family.

Buy Electronic Hyperslide Now

We have now purchased 4 of these games as gifts, after seeing one at a demo last summer and buying it for ourselves. It is great fun for the whole family, and you can play 1 on 1 or by yourself. I'm not much of a "gamer" but this one is great!

Read Best Reviews of Electronic Hyperslide Here

I bought this almost two weeks ago and we haven't stopped playing it! My husband is even playing it with the kids, he hasn't done this in years. Fantastic!

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This little toy is great, the kids (8 and up) love playing with it. Within 5 minutes of opening the toy they were able to play with it. Very simple rules allows them to jump right in. The toy looks well made and has a convenient space to store the discs when not in use. Its also a fun game for an adult to play with their kids. You can make the game as challenging or as easy as you want by varying the distance from which the discs are thrown.

Great toy!!


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