Plan Toy Hammer Peg

Plan Toy Hammer PegMy grandkids liked this toy and being able to hammer.However this did not last long as the pegs were not all the same size and some would fall through as soon a you tapped them the first time.Consistant with other reviews that state the pegs and holes are not well made.

My 14 month old had taken a liking to the Fisher Price hammer at daycare so I thought I'd buy her a better, more durable, and eco-friendly one.She hasn't liked this as much.I think the hammer is too heavy for her to take all over the place and she pounds the colored pieces a couple of times but that's about it.It is a sturdy, well made toy though.

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My son loves banging away at the pegs but they are held with some sort of rubber or plastic o-ring. Received the toy 2 weeks ago and two of the pegs just fall through. The holes should be smaller for the pegs.

Read Best Reviews of Plan Toy Hammer Peg Here

This was a gift for my grandson.He uses it often and really seems to enjoy it.I purchased something similar for my son when he was a toddler.He loved it and that is why I purchased this.I am happy with this purchase.

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