B. Zany Zoo

B. Zany ZooGreat toy. Helps with coordination, counting, alphabet, etc. Bought this for my 1yr old and she still loves it at 2. Very entertaining when I reintroduce it to her as new. I got mine from target and it cost under $50. They are overcharging here on Amazon!!! My little one never got her hand stuck in this. (Hopefully she never will.)

Our 8-month-old son outgrew his favorite toy (the Fisher-Price Jumperoo) about a month ago. His increased mobility meant the Jumperoo felt more constricting than freeing, and we'd been having trouble finding a new toy to fill the void left in the Jumperoo's disuse. We stumbled across this on accident and bought it because it reminded us of several toys we'd loved in childhood, with the added bonus they were all rolled into one.

We cannot stress how much our son loves this toy. Each face has something different for him to explore. When he's finished with one side for the time being, he'll move around to other sides or the top to keep the amusement coming. Even as I type, he's busy banging closed the doors on one side of the cube.

The top is easily the best part for both us and our son. David's had a fabulous time using it not only to stand but to figure out, finally, how to fall into a sit. The day before yesterday, he literally giggled the whole time he practiced sitting for an hour. More practice yesterday and he's both a falling and a sitting pro. Note, as another reviewer mentioned, you DO have to sit close by, because the wrong lean *can* lead it to tip for a not-yet-autonomous stander. This happens in maybe a quarter probably a high estimate of our son's stands so far.

Then there's all the fun in pushing the top toys along their preset paths along the top. The bridges encourages him to figure out movement under and on both sides of each bridge. This is in addition to watching him explore both pushing animals (and beads!) along their path and figuring out how to rotate them in circles where they stand.

We're amazed how much fun and challenge can be fit into one single cube. This is beautifully designed, aesthetically pleasing, free from sharp corners and overall an amazing toy. We're honestly trying to think who else we can buy one of these for! The temptation is rather strong to just play with it ourselves.

If only we'd had this as children! :)

Buy B. Zany Zoo Now

Parental supervision required AT ALL TIMES! It appears that there are different configurations of this toy. I got the version which has a side with nine triangular rotating blocks (three animals on each vertical set while the horizontal blocks have different the animal's head, body, and feet). The first time my 1 y.o son played with it, he got his hands stuck in between these blocks. B zany really should make the blocks larger or add bars to block these gaps. Other than that I think this toy is very educational and great for developing fine motor skills, parents please watch your children with this toy!

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We bought this for my daughter when she was about nine months old.In the beginning, she was mainly interested in spinning the animal alphabet tiles, but as she grows she keeps discovering more and more things to play with.Right now, she really likes the animal pegs on one of the sides that's not pictured--hard to describe, but they're kind of like Plinko.She also loves opening and closing the doors on another side, and she's just starting to spend time playing with the bead maze and the animals on top.I can see this toy holding her interest for several months.

I like that this toy is made of wood and is very sturdy.She hasn't had any difficulty pulling herself up on it (though she is a bit of string bean, so this may change as she gets bigger), and the rounded corners are safer than sharp edges.It's also very bright and colorful, and the animal alphabet is pretty creative.(For example, N = narwhal.)Compared to identical activity cubes (same toy, different color scheme) that cost significantly more, I think this toy is a great value.

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This toy with its hard surface and doors with sharp corners creates an opportunity for serious injury. My grandson was intrigued by the bright colors etc. A toddler, he lost his balance and fell face first into the toy slicing his tongue open and resulting in a trip to the Emergency Room on Christmas Day. My concern is that young children are top heavy and clumsy and the open doors can do a lot of damage to a toddler's face.

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