Project Runway Travel Fashion Design Light Box

Project Runway Travel Fashion Design Light BoxMy 8 year old daughter loves to sketch outfits for her Barbie's.This product was reviewed with high marks on a blog that I follow and I knew I would purchase this for my girl for Christmas.She played with this the entire Christmas Day!I was worried she was going to use up all of the paper the first day!She loves to put together different outfits and varying colors and is always so proud to show me her fashion sense!Playing with this makes her feel proud of something she has created.

It just didn't work as well as advertised. My 10 year old granddaughter found it frustrating and ineffective. Not good.

Buy Project Runway Travel Fashion Design Light Box Now

My niece whent crazy over this, she love to design things and started designing right away. She really loved it.

Read Best Reviews of Project Runway Travel Fashion Design Light Box Here

My daughter bought this for hr sister for Christmas.She loves using the box to design dresses and other items.This has become her spare time activity.The item was exactly what she wanted for her sister who loves to draw.One if the best presents.

Want Project Runway Travel Fashion Design Light Box Discount?

Love that it uses creativity and allows me to interact while creating a collection with my niece. I recommend highly.

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