Decent Toy, Fun For Kids BUT no way to shut it off & keep it off AND the microphone needs to be longer.It's very annoying to say the least.They should have added an on off switch on the bottom.Every time the power button gets hit (in toy box or where ever) it starts playing music.OMG.........it drives me nuts & i want to bust it up when it does that frequently during the day. lolBesides that everything else is fine with it.It works as it should & is kinda fun for the kids. It's got a decent variety of sounds & upbeat songs, the mic works but should be longer for ease of use, the turntables works as they should & the mixer adds to the fun.AGAIN..................ATTN:Manufacturers of this Barbie DJ's Turntable toy PLEASE add an on/off button to the bottom of this thing AND make the microphone longer!!!!!;)

This thing is so cool.Probably best for kids over 5 yrs.4 year old couldn't figure out voice recording and playback.Other than that its just hitting buttons and it makes some cool songs.
Buy Barbie Mix-It-Up DJ Turntable Now
My three year old great granddaughter loves the sounds and ease of playing with this.I am sure she will have fun all year long.
Read Best Reviews of Barbie Mix-It-Up DJ Turntable Here
My 9 yr. old daughter received this for Christmas and I wasn't sure if she would be too old for it but she absolutely LOVED It!! It ended up being the favorite toy (out of a lot of great toys) this year! My 6 yr. old son has a great time playing music and recording sounds with her...they are constantly laughing at the sounds they make (incorporates in music that you can change the speed/tempo of). Lots of great music that they can alter to their tastes and the microphone is a blast to talk/sing in. Fair Good sound quality. It is a big hit around here!
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