Dunk the Duck! Carnival Game

Dunk the Duck! Carnival GameJust bought this for my son (for only $7 on clearance at Target!) and am glad that's all I spent.My boys are having a ball (ages 10,8,7 and 4) but they'll tire of it in not too many days, I'm sure.It doesn't require much skill... as long as you are aiming in the general direction, you'll hit a duck.But, it scores high in the cute idea factor as well as little kid appeal.I don't know how long the little conveyor belt of ducks is going to last, though!

Do yourself a favor and do not order from this seller! I bought the game for my 89 year old Uncle's birthday party. Game arrived with all labels and decals delaminated from the plastic shell. The electric eyes don't work, so ducks won't dunk and won't respond to the gun. Motor makes a horrible noise that even the music cannot cover up and smells like it is burning out. Congrats to the seller for sticking it to an 89 year old man! You must be so proud!

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