The Iguana Factor Multiplication Game

The Iguana Factor Multiplication GameRecieved this product for a Title 1 level, 3rd grade class. Will assist students in multiplication learning and, more than anything, will break up the "overhead monotany"!

There are few board games of this price and content for education. To me, this is worth the money.

At this is a top pick for fun ways to master mulitiplication facts!

For the child learning multiplication facts, this game is a mixture of memory work, strategy, and chance. The multiplication practice helps kids master their facts. Developing a winning strategy keeps the game interesting. The role of chance keeps everyone in the game until the last spin. Practice your facts and have some fun!

Buy The Iguana Factor Multiplication Game Now

There has to be a way to make learning multiplication fun BUT this isn't it! The spinner doesn't spin, all the answers are on the board, it just doesn't cut it! All I can say is keep looking and let me know if you find something that really works!!!

Read Best Reviews of The Iguana Factor Multiplication Game Here

the spinner in this game is HORRIBLE. It is cardboard on cardboard.Seriously! Anyone with basic physics could see the friction was going to prevent this thing from truly spinning.We've replaced it by using 10 sided dice which unfortunately eliminates the ? portion of the spinner, but at least allows us to play the game.

Want The Iguana Factor Multiplication Game Discount?

We own several Learning Resources games an have enjoyed all of them except this one. When I pull the others off the shelf the response is "Oh! Can we play?" With this one it's "Can we play something else?" I think that says it all.

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