I must say that I purchased this from Wally Mart for only $20 and it wasn't on sale or anything. I'm sure that changed my overall expectations of this toy. For my 2 year old, this thing is great. Requires extremely low water pressure for a good sized fountain so maybe that's why mine didn't leak at all. The hose connection is indeed about as flimsy as it gets but with the trickle of water this thing requires I can't imagine why they'd make it stronger. I like that the water in the reservoir is constantly flowing and so stays nice and cool. Yes, my boy figured out that he could tip it to get the water to run out but so what? I think it added to his fun and prevented the water from getting all buggy and icky. I immediately assigned the scoops to bath duty and actually forgot they went with this toy by the time I used it so I can't comment on their use with this. He does enjoy them in the bathtub though so do with that what you will.
To be honest, I like this so much I'm going to get another for next season. This one may well last for next season but I don't want to take any chances on it being discontinued! I consider it almost disposable (at $20 NOT at $45!)We purchased this water table thinking it would be a great way to have a water table, without needing lots of storage space.The first thing we noticed, was that the connection between the hose and table was very weak and leaked TERRIBLY.We decided, that our daughter would still probably have a lot of fun, so we were willing to ignore that.After we started playing with it, the hose began to leak more, and this caused the water pressure reaching the top of the table to drop.We also noticed that if the table was not completely level, the water in the top would shift, and the table would flip.After the table flipped the first time, our daughter was too afraid to return to the table to play.In addition, when the scoops warmed in the sun, the printing melted and stuck to the top of the water table.I have packed the table up, and I will be returning it today.I've decided to purchase a small wading pool and water wheel instead.
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