Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram Maker

Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram MakerSimply amazing optical illusion.It is only completely effective when viewed from a range of angles but it is completely convincing when you are viewing in this range.Objects that can be used with this size mirage are kind of small, but it is probably not worth getting the lager size mirage because of the cost.This is a nice novelty item for someone with an empty desk.

OK, these aren't laser generated holograms but it works great, and is a fun teaching tool.Good for science fair projects and a novel coffee table item.Product came quickly and was well packed for shipping.Had good service from this vendor.

Buy Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram Maker Now

it works great, and makes a cool gift. anything you put in it appears to hover in mid air...3D! I gifted it last christmas, and it is still on display on their coffee table. Don't expect much though. It's two plastic dome or bowl halves, really light weight, and more of a novelty than a qualaty piece of art

Read Best Reviews of Mirage 3-D Instant Hologram Maker Here

The hologram was very cool and surprisingly realistic.It can be viewed from 360 degrees (horizontal rotation) but has more limited vertical viewing angles (this did not significantly detract from the illusion).Though it is really neat, it is seems to be a bit over priced for two pieces of plastic.However, I was unable to find it cheaper elsewhere.

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Great, My husband has been into magic since he was in Elementary school, He loves it !

Loves to have toys on his desk at work to share !

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