Authentic Models Solitaire Di Venezia 20mm Semi-Precious Marbles

Authentic Models Solitaire Di Venezia 20mm Semi-Precious MarblesMy mom plays my Bombay Marble Solitaire game everytime she comes to my house.I was hoping to find a bigger one like mine for her, but this was sufficient.Marbles are smaller so she will have to put it up when little grandchildren are over.Doesn't seem like it is quite worth what I paid, but she loves this game and has won it twice since Christmas (this one is slightly less challenging than the Bombay one.Nice thing is it is decorative and a conversation piece.Everyone who comes over wants to play out for those little ones though. Marbles could easily be choked or swallowed.They areabout the size of regular marbles.

Simply yet elegant, the perfect game to play on during some of these long Montana snow storms, keeps the mind active and the craftsmanship of the product is wonderful

Buy Authentic Models Solitaire Di Venezia 20mm Semi-Precious Marbles Now

It's a table game that is always on my coffee table and played with a couple times every week.It's a pretty conversation piece too

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The jewelry store we use had an extra enticing feature after someone gave the owner a solitaire marble game. Every time I visited the store, I took time to play the game.

One day I asked the owners its source. They didn't know.

One of the employees called me later and gave me two possible sources. I had already decided to try online, thinking Amazon contained such a vast number of items, it probably had what I sought. Sure enough the solitaire marble game, or one like it, wasthere.

I ordered one and it came promptly. I am very pleased! I have it on our coffee table in the family room and play it often.

Nancy Madison

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Bought this to give as a gift.It is nicely packaged and the product is made of quality materials.The recipient was very happy with it and has displayedit on the coffee table.This is exactly what I was hoping for.I would definitely recommend this as a gift for a parent, or other adult who likes games and will enjoy displaying it at home or in an office.

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