This is a great looking desk, and the price was a nice chunk lower than the identical model sold at Pottery Barn and other outlets. Also comes with a lot of extra drawer fronts, so you can pick your color schemeGeneric Kid, Girly, Boy Colors... this was a good thing, because they didn't have anything particularly adult, so I thought I'd spray paint them all Hammer Grey to resemble aluminum, and I have a pretty bad screwup rate, so the extras were appreciated. The instructions were fairly clear except one spot where the sequence they gave made assembly of one of the desk sections much more difficult than necessary, as no screwdriver could possibly reach into the corner in question if you were following their directions (in assembling the keyboard drawer).
52" W Writing Desk
Posted by
on Tuesday, July 2, 2013
This is a great looking desk, and the price was a nice chunk lower than the identical model sold at Pottery Barn and other outlets. Also comes with a lot of extra drawer fronts, so you can pick your color schemeGeneric Kid, Girly, Boy Colors... this was a good thing, because they didn't have anything particularly adult, so I thought I'd spray paint them all Hammer Grey to resemble aluminum, and I have a pretty bad screwup rate, so the extras were appreciated. The instructions were fairly clear except one spot where the sequence they gave made assembly of one of the desk sections much more difficult than necessary, as no screwdriver could possibly reach into the corner in question if you were following their directions (in assembling the keyboard drawer).
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