Alex Toys Magnetic Tabletop Easel

Alex Toys Magnetic Tabletop EaselJust beware that you may get the model that is NOT filled, when you order the filled version.Seems they have some UPC mixup with the manufacturer.I got the easel but NO supplies and on the box it clearly states that the supplies need to be purchased separately.So, why not just by the UNFILLED version for $20-25 and get the supplies yourself!The Alex brand supplies fit it perfectly.My seller was generous enough to refund half my cost on this item to allow me to purchase the supplies that should have been included, (baby-wise) but whomever you choose to buy from may not do this!

My son loves this toy.It is so versatile.He can finger paint on paper on it, he can do chalk or magnets / letters.He can white board draw.He can just plain draw on paper.It is very sturdy and high quality and folds TOTALLY flat when not in use.Plus, being a tabletop variety, it will always fit him.Right now he is 2 1/2 feet tall (18M) and is using it while sitting on the floor.As he grows taller, it can move to his play table height, then to regular table height, as years go by.He can sit or stand.We chose this model over the full easels because most of the full easles are not this versatile (chalk, whiteboard, paintboard, etc) AND have legs that are adjustable.

We love it, just double check that you know what you are buying and what will be in the box.Might even call the actual store on Amazon to make sure it is filled or unfilled and the price reflects this.Go for the safe side, buy the unfilled variety and fill it yourself!

We received this easel for our daughter for Christmas from her grandparents.We love it.Note: It doesn't come with all the stuff pictured.We got the easel, a roll of paper, and the four paint cups.There are no brushes, no magnetic letters, no chalk, no paint, etc.We had to buy all that stuff separate.But for overall ease setting up on her Crayola activity table and for how much she loves it, it is a good easel.The roll of the paper at the top is a great plus.

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A few days after we bought it the arm along the side broke so it won't quite sit at a proper angle anymore without being propped up. Still works fine just really disappointing.

Read Best Reviews of Alex Toys Magnetic Tabletop Easel Here

We bought 2 of these easels and, as the previous review stated, both came without the additonal items, easel clips, paints etc as promised in the description. The easels were also not the same as the one on the picture and the one described they were not made of hard wood but some other cheaper material and did not have the adjustable bracket that was promised. They were materially diffferent in terms of the writeable surface on the board and looked to be a cheap copy. We contacted Amazon who sent 2 further easels which were also defective. We have returned all 4.

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My kids love playing with the easel... Unfortunately, a couple of days after we bought it, one of the supports that holds it together when unfolding broke when we were taking it off the table... It still works, but it looks like the latch should probably be metal and not wood given the stress on it...Additionally, it could use some rubber on the "feet" as it's designed to sit on a table and slides without them.For the good, the dry erase board is wonderful, and with the no-spill paint cups available separately, we've substantially reduced the mess associated with painting.

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