Gizmos and Gears

Gizmos and GearsMy son received his first set of Gears, Gears, Gears Gizmos when he was 5 years old, now being almost, 7 he has received more sets to add to the first one so he can create ever more complex and ingenious constructions.He sits down for hours trying to construct fanastic projects.The other day he came to me with a "satellite station" complete with rotating antenna!

This is great toy for both kids and adults.Together, my son and I have put together projects which mesh over 60 gears in both the horizontal and vertical planes.The gears mesh together very easily and come in ratios of 1 (8 teeth), 1.5 (12 teeth) and 2 (16 teeth).It is possible to create angled ramps of gears as well.

I can highly recommend this toy for the budding scientist, engineer, architect, or any child that enjoys Knex or Lego type constructions.Our 3 year old little girl like to get intobuilding as well.

One caveat:you will soon find out that one set of Gizmos is not enough to build truly awesome sized projects.We have 3 sets so far and we find we will need a couple more to build ever greater!

Have fun!

My 5 year old son has advanced rapidly in just two days of playing with this.He is describing and building complicated gear layouts that incorporate gears of different sizes and gears at different angles to one another.Very nice!

My main complaint is that the set should include more pieces.I cannot see more than two kids playing with the contents of this set, and even then I think there would be some fighting for scarce pieces.


* Durable pieces

* Well-designed pieces connect well and allow for excellent spinning action of the gears

* The type of toy that kids will play with for hours on end and go back to again and again


* Not enough pieces for the price; you can get hundreds of lego bricks for the same price

* What do the gears *move*?There is only one propeller included and no wheels or other items that gears might control.Instead, we just tend to move more gears, which is fine for a 5 year old but not for an 8 year old


This is fun and very educational.I will buy the additional sets and give this one as a gift to other kids.I do wish they put more pieces in it, but it still is worth buying.

Buy Gizmos and Gears Now

This is one of those toys that looks SO good in the store. Then, when you get it home and assembled, it fails to do the one thing it's supposed to...and ACK!...another disappointed child. This gear-based toy is based on a pretty simple idea--put the gears together in various patterns, turn the crank, and watch it go. Sounds simple, and it should be. But the set we bought was balky. Various colored gears were slightly different in size than others and, when combined in certain way, refused to turn. That became a major issue, since what smart kid is going to waste his time assembling a masterpiece only to have it fail to work 2 times out of 3? A real disappointment!

Read Best Reviews of Gizmos and Gears Here

We have the original Gears! Set and love it. This is an add on that you can use to make bigger, better, more exciting things.

This inspires creativity, fun and imagination. It is more than a push the button type of toy to make some annoying noise. This encourages exploration of the world around you and more.

My husband and father (both engineers) love this toy and have a ball getting down on the floor playing with my son while he tries to put new contraptions together. This addition only makes it more fun.

If you are like and look for toys that inspire imagination, exploration, creativity. If you want toys that are not very loud and are easy to play with. If you want something that the whole family can enjoy. If you want a toy that is more than a push the button type of toy, this is the toy you might want.

My only complaint of sorts? I wish that there were books available for each add on set that is available similar to the book you can buy for the original Gears! set. And maybe there are books out there, but I haven't found them.


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This was a fun toy to look at and the box it came in was huge compared to what was inside. The colors are fantastic, but actually getting the gears to work is another story all together. The snaps were EASILY breakable and would lodge inside the gears.The directions for making a robot or an airplane were ridiculous and I usually don't have a problem with complicated directions.Skip this one and go for a science kit.

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