My son is still pretty young for it(he will be two in a month), but it is very easy to use when he isnt drinking the water out of it. It sounds really good when it has water in it. I think it would be great when he gets a little older.

My son is almost 2 1/2 and has had this toy for 6 months.He doesn't quite understand how to work it, but he thinks it's hilarious when mom and dad make the pitch go up and down.He does enjoy filling it up with water and pouring it out.I am hoping he will understand it better and enjoy it more when he is a little older.
Buy Water Whistle Now
We got this for our 2 year old son for Christmas as a stocking stuffer. It broke the very first time he used it in the bath tub! It was a fun toy to play with while it lasted.
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