Crayola Glow Explosion Sand Art Sculptures

Crayola Glow Explosion Sand Art SculpturesI am a mother of one son and a stepmother of 2 sons.I was given 2 boxes of this glow sand and waited until my stepsons were with us to use it.We waited until after dinner, everyone was cleaned up and it was dark out.Once we started mixing the sand, it was obvious how much fun this was going to be.The sand instantly started glowing brightly even with the lights on.Once all 4 colors were mixed, the boys started filling their little plastic sculpture makers.They were having so much fun and my husband and I were helping our youngest son fill his and we were having a blast too.Then the real fun started....Once the plastic things were filled, we had sand left over and there was some that didn't make it into the plastic parts and ended up on the table and floor (this is normal with any art project and children).We started doing our own thing with the sand, we dumped the remaining sand on the table, drew things with our fingers, then we started drawing on each other.The floor looked like an incredible star filled sky, the boys had it all over their hands and socks, they were running around and all you could see was this glowing sand (which is brighter than you would ever think it would be).We had so much fun!!!The dog even ended up with glowing feet and hand prints all over her.We were chasing each other around putting our glowing handprints on each other and laughing hysterically!Let me tell you honestly that my husband hates messes like that and he was having just as good as a time as the boys were.It was by far the most fun we have all had with an art type kit in a long time!!!!Now, back to the was messy (but in defense, we didn't use it for the intended purpose for very long).Once you turn the lights on, you can't see ANY of the sand, so you have to clean up with the lights off to make sure you get it all.Also, the entire downstairs of our house is laminate, so the clean up was quick and easy.He took the boys upstairs to bathe them and I cleaned the sand downstairs.I was done first.He had no issues getting the sand off the boys and one washing took everything off their clothes.This is an awesome product!!!Thank you Crayola!!!I would only like it better if the glow lasted longer than a few hours or if it was rechargable with light like other glowing things.

Crayola Glow Explosion Sand Art Sculptures This product resulted in tons of giggly, exciting fun for our six-year old granddaughter!She and her aunt had a ball doing the sculpture and revealing the results to other family members!

Cons:One of the "mix and pour trays" did not seal properly, which led to some awkward maneuvers in completing a sand sculpture.It was not easily understood that the wonderful glow that was so much fun, was only going to last until bedtime. The glow colors are definitely not as pretty when the glow goes away.Our product was actually the deluxe sand art, which came with seven colors and only four mix and pour trays.Three more of these trays would have made a lot more sense.

Pros:Wonderful, magical fun doing this project in a dim room.As for any mess on the floor, our child rolled in it and called it "fairy dust!"Absolute fun for her!Cleaning up was easy since they worked over trays for most of the project.Any leftovers on the floor were easily seen and swept up in the dark.Even tho the glow was gone, our granddaughter was anxious to do another project on her next visit.It's still art to her!

I would recommend this product for a family get-together; lots of fun to share!!Make sure you explain to the child that the glow is just like their Halloween glow sticks; the magic only lasts for a few hours.At least with the sand art, you still have a pretty piece of art!The fun is worth the money!Hope this helps!

Buy Crayola Glow Explosion Sand Art Sculptures Now

We took the glow sand out on the beach, clearly it is not meant for the indoors, and had an absolute blast! My girls, 9 and 10 and their friend 9 sprinkled each other until they all three glowed. Then the two mommies got in on the fun! We made glow angels, played tagged and just in general enjoyed each others company because we were glowing on the beach in the dark WITH the sand. Something fun AND different. Not EVERYTHING needs to be educational, sometimes it can just be different and fun!

After reading some of the other reviews, I feel like it needs to be said that common sense needs to prevail. GO OUTSIDE!! ENJOY things like this item OUTSIDE. Not on your nice wood tables.

I would highly recommend this product for families and friends.

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I don't usually write reviews, but this product has such mixed reviews I thought my experience might be helpful.My kids ages 4.5 and 6.5 had an absolute blast the night we did the glow sand.First of all, I would never do a project like this inside the house so clean up was not an issue.We went outside and mixed each sand color with the glowing agent in the sand trays.Right away they started to glow and we could tell this was going to be fun.Forget the plastic sculpture forms.We had so much more fun without them!We went out on the driveway with all the house lights off and made pictures and artwork.The boys sprinkled a trail and wrote their names.It was an absolute blast!The glowing sand was magically beautiful.It got on everyone's hands and clothes so that the kids were glowing too.They thought that was hilarious!I could imagine doing this on a warm summer night with a bunch of kids for a slumber party or block party and having a fantastic time.Afterwards the kids stripped down and the clothes went in the washer and the boys in the bath.That was it for cleanup and there were no adverse affects from having the sand on their skin.I'm going to get a set each for the kids and their cousins for the 4th of July now.And maybe myself too!

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The sand sculptures worked pretty bad. The sand was not smooth enough to be poured in correctly, And the plastic edges did not completely prevent the sand from leaking out. I did manage to make a sculpture, but the colors were all mixed, unlike the advertisements. It looked messy overall. If you are not fond of any kind of messes, this product wouldn't be it's most best for you... The mess could get even several feet away from where you are working. I was working in a small area of my living room flooring, And it ended up all over it. Since I was running around with some, it dropped across the hallway and smeared on a door. But since when is an art project not messy?

And to end on a nice note, Pros:

My brother(18), Mother(37), And myself(14) found the glow powder to be very fun and exciting. It makes a mess, But after you turn off the lights, It is surprisingly beautiful... like another reviewer said; 'The floor looked like an incredible star filled sky'. It can be easily swept away, when the lights are off and the sand is visible. The mess of the hallway and door were easily removed too. For me, the majority of the glow stayed on for sometime longer than 4 hours. We bought this product as a discounted Target item, As it had been ripped in a medium area of the box. We got it for about 2 dollars, It still worked perfectly. I am even willing to buy it once again at 9 dollars. My brother and I had a great time as well; We were running around trying to smear glow powder on each other's clothes and faces. We both did not get any signs of chemical rashes. I cannot say if it stains or not, Because after the glow wears off, the powder is not visible at all. So, I guess it would not be any harm if it does stain. It's obviously not right to eat, But my two dogs licked some bits off the floor. Both did not get sick. The four colors of the glow were nice and bright; Distinguishable between each other. Good quality of glow for casual use.

I am planning to use glow for Halloween purposes this year, So I am thinking of just ordering glow powder from independent brands..

This is my first review..So if I need to improve on anything, Please comment below...

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