Disney Tangled Featuring Rapunzel Magical Tower Playset

Disney Tangled Featuring Rapunzel Magical Tower PlaysetMy daughter received this toy as a birthday gift from a friend and was very excited and grateful.however for those looking looking to purchase a theme toy with tangible values be warned that this toy is a real bust. cheaply made and misleading.first, like most all the other reviews state, very misleading that the flynn and maximus figures are not included!just include them and charge a couple of dollars more!the repunzel figure is almost the same quality as a mcdonalds happy meal toy so hearing that others are happy to buy seperate figures for $20.00.... well! this tower structure is very flimsy and not well designed for play the top room closes, but not with the accessories that are appointed to go into the tower, and even without them does not fit well. when open the accessories WILL fall out because it is flimsy and will tilt and the pieces barely fit the space. so my daughter has resolved to play with all the items on the table and the tower stands empty.also the "hair" that lights up is a molded plastic "cap" that only lights up on a bald doll, the long flowing "hair" that flows from the tower to the ground below is a molded rigid plastic tube, not even much designed to look like flowing hair, that is attached to the ground below and to the window above and again misleading to the packaging does not light up with the plastic cap on the doll.my daughter tried in vain to position the hair on the doll against the pole of hair to light it up... (the plastic tube just strangely dead ends from the top of the window to a blob on the floor of the tower) it is in no way intended to fit to the doll or to light up. so you have a tangled figure with short plastic molded ball-cap hair and a long hard plastic tube sticking out of the tower window like a fire pole.worse even is that the accessories include a plastic harness that must be installed upon initial assembly for the not included flynn to slide up and down the tube on (repunzel does not fit the harness). also includes an armoir to hide the not included flynn however this armoir is one of the accessories that is supposed to fit in the tower but must be removed in order for the tower to be closed (and barely fits with the tower open and blocks the "hair" window). cute packaging, cute concept, even looks cute standing on the table of her play room, but a REAL BUST in ALL other respects.

This toy was cute but does not come with the Flynn Rider or Maximum figures.It was very misleading because all the pictures show all three figures but doesn't state they are not included unless you read the fine print on the box it came in.Then, it's very hard to find the other figures, they are not sold ANYWHERE.Not even on Mattels online store.So not only do you pay a lot for this toy you have to go search for the parts that should come with it.I don't understand why they just don't sell it all together and charge a little more.Toy manufactures are stupid at times!!!!

Buy Disney Tangled Featuring Rapunzel Magical Tower Playset Now

This is such an awesome toy! Got it in the mail today. I'm tempted to go play with it myself it's so nice! Reason it costs a lot on here is cause it is sold out almost everywhere. But the toy is fabulous and my daughterhave not stopped playing with this tower. She love how it opens and closes, and all of the accessories inside keep her very busy. Looks much like the tower in the movie;-)))

Read Best Reviews of Disney Tangled Featuring Rapunzel Magical Tower Playset Here

We have quite a collection of the Polly Pocket sized Disney Princess dolls, Disney Fairies dolls, and all their clothes/accessories, so it was important to us to keep within that sphere.When the first tower toy came out we loved it and wanted it but at $99 it wasn't going to happen, plus it was for the larger Barbie sized dolls, not the Polly Pocket sized ones.When we saw the pre-order for this tower we were psyched!The description left me confused as to whether or not the Flynn or Maximus were included, from the box it looked like they were but the description did not say they were, and since no one had them in person yet there was no way to verify.This was supposed to be release 1/1/11 but Mattel was backordered already and Target did not get them in until just recently.We found the boat ride toy right away at Target and waited and at last found the Magical Tower today.Flynn and Maximus are indeed NOT included which is of great complaint in my book and the reason this did not get an overall five starts but a four instead.The correct sized Flynn is available via the boat ride set, but there is currently NO small sized Maximus available.My only thought is that just like Mattel held back the release of this smaller tower and the boat ride toys to allow their larger more expensive tower to sell for Christmas, that perhaps there will be more of the Polly Pocket sized Tangled play sets to be released around the time of the release of the DVD this spring.I gave this a 4/5 on durability because the floor on the top part of the tower keeps coming off.The Rapunzel's hair lights up when you push on her head, at first, while still in the box in the car, the girls loved this an giggled incessantly when they made her light up through the tester hole in the box.But once home and out of the box the Rapunzel doll is creepy because of how the hair fits/moves/comes off and both girls went straight for their other "real" hair Rapunzel dolls.they do love all the tiny little accessories that come with it too, they loved putting the Flynn from the boat ride into the wardrobe.So, buy this toy if what you want it for is the TOWER as this is all this really fulfills.Keep in mind this toy retails at Target for $29.99.

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I ordered this toy early for my daughter's 6th birthday, before it was even available.The pictures were cute, and I thought she would enjoy the romance of it.After she opened it, I will say that the tower itself is darling, and the tiny furniture and dishes are a big hit.However, the boy (Flynn) is not included, though pictured, and neither is the horse.Rapunzel herself is very odd, with a bald painted head and a large piece of foul-smelling plastic that attaches and lights up to her head/back.The same awful plastic is used for her rope of hair which reaches the ground.Overall, it's alright, but I will be looking to replace the Rapunzel figure and add the missing characters.


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