TableTopics Moms and Daughters

TableTopics Moms and DaughtersMy cube came chipped and had a crack in one side. Also, plenty of these cards ask "yes/no" questions--not discussion starters at all. Indeed, many of these questions are so theoretical or just plain unimaginative that they aren't even worth answering. My mom and I went through the entirety of the deck in about 45 minutes--not exactly deep-thought provoking. The use-value of this product is $5, if that.

Buyers should beware that these cards are for a younger generation of Moms and Daugthers and that some of the questions are downright dumb. My sisters and I were taking our 87 year old mother to the beach for a few days and we thought this would be a fun way to open up some conversaton with her so I splurged and spent the $25.00. While there were some good questions,we found many of them to be disappointing. At 87, I'm not going to ask my Mother what the "pros and cons of Facebook friends are for Moms and Daughters" (she doesn't have a clue about Facebook), who is her favorite shopping partner (she can barely walk much less shop) or "who does she think she will be friends with in 10 years" (I'm not sure she'll be here in 10 years). Questions such as "if you could try any hairstyle for a day, which would you choose" or "what will you be doing at three pm on a Friday five years from now" or "do you have a friend that makes you feel dumb" or "who's the best dressed woman on the planet" did not strike us as a meaningful way to get to know our mother. In the end, we tossed the cards and came up with our own questions that helped us understand our mother as a daughter, wife, mother and sister and in the process, we created a lot of laughs and memories for all of us. My recommendation is that you save yourself the money (they are expensive!) and create your own questions that are more specific and meaningful to you and your Mom.

Buy TableTopics Moms and Daughters Now

Enjoyed a lively conversation with my daughter and granddaughter! We took turns asking each other questions. I recommended highly. Try it!

Read Best Reviews of TableTopics Moms and Daughters Here

I like the idea of the table topics, but they tend to let me down... I have seem a few of the questions in this block and they make me eager to try it out, but there are a few that have been quite dissapointing. I am going to use this for a girls weekend with my mom, aunts and cousins!

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