Gund Baby 24" Blanket

Gund Baby 24' Comfycozy Pippy Monkey BlanketMy 10 month old loves to cuddle with his horse blanket when riding in the car.He especially enjoys sucking on and playing with the tags on it's mane.The two different textures are great for sensory learning.The top is soft fur and the underside is silky.I like cuddling it almost as much as he does.As for size it is somewhere between a stand stuffed animal and a baby blanket.Closer to the stuffed animal size I would say.

I put this at 3 stars instead of more since the quality has been going down over the past few years.My daughter's frog is built much better than my son's dog (18 months later) and my next son's Monkey (3 years later).They continue to cheapen a product that my kids treat as a security blanket and need to stick around for the long haul.

Buy Gund Baby 24" Blanket Now

I am now getting one of these for my 4th child as his 3 sibling all love their "buddies".My oldest received hers 7 1/2 years ago as an infant and still sleeps with it.I have washed these many times and they held up well.These have definately been well loved pals for my children.

Read Best Reviews of Gund Baby 24" Blanket Here

My 10 month old has had this lovey since birth.It is incredibly soft and is a great size for wrapping your arms around for curling up to sleep.My first complaint is that it was initially very fuzzy... little pieces of fuzz-hairs would come off and get in his hands/mouth (after washing, too).Additionally, it is definitely not as high quality of a product as some of the other comfy cozies (we have the spunky blue dog and brown dog as well).The baby loves it, though.When it's bedtime, I put it on my shoulder, pick him up, and he snuggles his little face in it while I hold him.This makes a momma happy and that's just as important as making the baby happy :D

Want Gund Baby 24" Blanket Discount?

This item is SUPER soft and cuddly.We bought one for my daughter when she was a baby.She is 3 and she still sleeps with it.This one is for her baby brother.

Highly recommend it as a nice sized, soft, portable lovey for kids.

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