Atlantis World Globe

Atlantis World Globe
  • 15'' (37 cm) x 17'' (42 cm)

When it comes to globes, I really don't know much about them, but as a lover of maps of all kinds, the fact that this globe has topological information, that won me over.I have been watching "How the Earth Was Made" on television and they had a segment on underwater mountain ranges.On this globe, you can see both the mountain ranges on terre firma and under the oceans.It is a beautiful globe, not cheaply made as I have seen on other globes.I guess the only thing that I don't really like about this map is trying to find particular countries or cities...they are there, just in small print.But, as I said, I have plenty of maps with that info on them, but this globe, it is one of a kind.Both sides of my family have oohed and ahhed over it.My suggestion, if you want countries and cities, get a map, but to see the world globe in a "3-D" image, this is awesome.

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Perhaps I'm being too critical, but this globe is poorly constructed and extremely over priced.Most of the latitude (vertical) lines and also most of the longitude lines don't meet up where the map itself is stuck to the globe. Sure it may be off by a degree or two but each degree (at the equator) is about 70 miles and that just isn't acceptable. The gold longitude bar circling the globe is off even more, missing the longitude lines by almost 3 degrees in some spots. The globe itself is constructed using colored printed sheets stuck onto a globe shaped sphere with the mountains and valleys pressed into the globe. Unfortunately there are at least 2 places where they must have started sticking the sheets on but when they tried to get them to meet up they were about 1/32 of an inch short. That doesn't sound like much but it sure looks horrible on a globe you just spent $65 on. The equator is basically a piece of clear sticky tape with a blue line along the center (to represent the equator) that's stuck onto the globe. That would ALMOST be acceptable if the globe were flat, which it isn't. Where the equator/tape on the globe crosses deep valleys the tape is not pushed down into the valleys and was starting to peel away. One of the reasons I bought this globe was because it was made in the USA. If this is what to expect it's very distressing. The globe is now on it's way back to Amazon for a refund.

Read Best Reviews of Atlantis World Globe Here

This globe is exactly what I wanted and even better than I expected.The colors are great and the ridges on the globe to show the topography is really a nice feature.We've wanted a globe for my husband's home office for quite awhile but hadn't found one we really liked so I'm happy we finally found this one.

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We ordered this globe for our 4 and 6 year olds.The key thing for me was that you can turn it upside down to see the southern hemishpere.Great glode.

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I bought another globe about five years ago.It had a hard plastic base which cracked and the globe broke into two pieces.We have three growing boys who are rough!This globe seems to be sturdy enough for the challenge of living with us.


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