Why did I have some paint+primer that matched the eye-burning blue of this thing?Because the vinyl-sticker cvoering on the upper-front covers was badly peeled back when this thing arrived, exposing the cardboard-colored presswood below.Rather than sending this behemoth back, I just peeled off the rest of the blue sticker-type covering on the front (not as easy as it sounds) and painted it.It's much flatter than the rest of the unit now, but I don't think anyone else would notice.
The next issue is the cage covering the play area.It doesn't work with the cage on.Balls are constantly hitting it, interfereing with game play.The solution was to just remove the front panel of the cage, which actually looks better in my opinion.So no problem.
For what it's worth, from the front, you see mostly black and the yellow board, so if you can set it up so that is your veiwing angle, it doesn't look quite as tacky.
One other minor gripe is that the stickers labeling the scores for each hole are a little cheap-looking.Also, the "player" button on mine didn't work when I got it set up.But that's not necessary to play really, so I'm just ignoring that.
All in all though, I am actually very happy with this thing.It's fun to play, and I haven't seen anyting else on the market quite as good for this amount of money.Speaking of, I also own the older non-"deluxe" verion of this skeeball from the same company, in all-white with multi-colored holes.Despite the rainbow, I like this one better.The other one is good too, but a bit lower quality, and the all-white is actually too plain.If you don't mind or can hide that rainbow, go with this one.The Deluxe Bulls-eye Ball 8.5 Foot Table by Berner Billiards was assembled Christmas Eve as a surprise for the Grand children.Soon found out that two of the switches that register the score did not work.The balls could not push them far enough to engage the circuit and register a score.They both had yellow pain overspray on the levers which probably got into the switch mechanism.I contacted the seller a week later to explain the problem and was assured that 2 new switches would be sent.After waiting six more weeks I still had not received the switches.I contacted the seller again and was assured by David that he was sending out the switches that day.Here it is 2 weeks later and still no switches.The switches are not generally available that I can find but will have to try and figure out something to make them work.If I had it to do over again I would have contacted Amazon immediately to return the entire game rather than trust the seller to do what they said they would do.Hopefully, my complaint with the credit card company may have some success.The game is totally useless without all the switches functioning. I would never purchase from this company again.
Buy Deluxe Bulls-eye Ball 8.5 Foot Table By Berner Billiards Now
During assembly, I damaged the circuit board (one of two) on the back of the game by pulling the lead wire out of it.I've sent countless e-mails and placed phone calls to try and get a replacement with no success.If you buy this product, steer clear of gametables4less.They are 100% unwilling to assist you with anything.Read Best Reviews of Deluxe Bulls-eye Ball 8.5 Foot Table By Berner Billiards Here
Make sure you have about an hour to put it together.It is lots of fun and well build.The only negative is that sometimes the scoring does not register in the 10 point whole.Other than that it is lots of fun at a reasonable price.Want Deluxe Bulls-eye Ball 8.5 Foot Table By Berner Billiards Discount?
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