Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Learning Home

Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Learning HomeMy husband and I bought this for my daughter for the holidays and she still plays with it every day (7 months later). There are so many features that keep her entertained and you can change the learning style. The music is not annoying (a big plus!) and she loves to carry the letters around, play with the mailbox, light, doorbell, place the balls down the shoot, and now she is putting the shapes in the door. Great toy!

We purchased this toy for my daughter for Christmas when she was 6 months old. At the time I thought it was a little pricey but I bought it anyway. It has been the best toy we have ever bought for either of out two children. My son who is 3 also plays with it using some of the more educational features. My daughter has played with it almost everyday for the last 6 months. It does take up more space than some other toys but she loves it so it is worth it!! A must buy for any household!! You won't be disappointed!

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I purchased this for Christmas, just a few months after my son turned one year old.I was worried that since he was over one that he wouldn't have much time before he outgrew it.I'm happy to say that my concerns were unwarranted.My son is now 3.5 years old and still plays with this toy. His 8 year old sister even joins in on the fun sometimes.And guess what, we have an 11 month old who is just as intrigued with this toy.Although he can't crawl he begs us to bring him over to the toy so he can swing the door, drop a ball in shute, or push a button.

This toy is great for all ages and even though it's a high price tag I can't see any child not loving this thing.It literally has brought my children YEARS of fun.

I would buy it over and over again if I had to.

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This has got to be the best toy we've purchased for our son so far! It was an early first birthday present, and he is just ecstatic about it! My reasoning for going with this toyversus others is the door. My son loves to crawl around my house and swing back and forth any door; cabinet, big door, doors on furniture, or anything that seems like a door. I've had one friend of mine whose son did the same thing, and she said he loved this toy as well, so we gave it a shot, and oh wow, this thing entertains him for hours! Basically, everything your child touches on this thing makes a sound. You can put it on music mode to where songs are played, including the ABC song, or you can put it on learning mode, which I find a little more practical and the noises dont last as long for mom and dad's sanity. This toy is vibrantly colored, and has so many little details to capture your child's attention, including a doorbell, light switch for the porch and inside lights, ball drop detail, spinning flower, opening/closing window, mail box with mail pieces, address numbers that can be changed, a radio inside that plays a couple songs, and it comes with little shape pieces that fit in several different places all over this toy. The opening/closing door makes sounds as it opens and closes, and comes with a key your child can turn. Basically, when looking at this thing, it is two-sided: one side is the "front" of your child's partial play house, and the other side is the inside of the home. We like to put this toy at the entrance of his room and let him "pretend" his room is his house and we will actually get silly enough to ring his doorbell, let him open the door, and then we ourselves crawl through the door. FYI, the opening is honestly not very big, so that is an interesting site I'm sure, but it makes playtime with our boy pretty fun.My husband complained that this thing was a pain in the butt to put together, but I find that a small price to pay for something our son enjoys so much. Shop around for prices tho (FYI) : ].

I'd also like to add for the longevity of this thing that the friend of mine who purchased this for her son is now using it for baby #2. Her son played with this from 6 months to 3 years, and now her 2 year old little girl is still having a blast with this thing and it looks great!

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This product comes with "some assembly required" and the need for C batteries.But, after that my grandson who is only 1 yr, liked it.He's on the very young side and enjoyed going through the door.I think he like the part that he could go through and swing the door open and shut.There are many activies that should keep him busy as he grows, sorting, singing along, telling time etc., that makes this a toy one that will last longer than just 2-3 months. I hope.


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