Harrisville Designs Style A Easyweaver

Harrisville Designs Style A EasyweaverI'm an adult, and I got this for myself because I wanted a relatively inexpensive loom to fiddle with, to see if I could actually make something useful from this "toy". I figured since this was a toy, it would be easier. Well, having tinkered with the thing for about ten minutes now, my initial impression is that there is no way a 7 year old could figure out how to work this thing by themselves. The directions are perplexing to say the least. There are two booklets; one of them is supposed to be a quick start guide and the other a book of projects. For the rainbow scarf, I found you have to refer back and forth (at least to start) to both booklets. It felt like someone showing you what a bike was, the pieces of it, and then you were expected to just get on and peddle yourself off into the sunset. Not so much.

I feel like this loom COULD be easy to use, and that they PROBABLY did do all the hard work already getting it so it's ready to go when you receive it, but the instructions and illustrations are so confusing that I'm just not so sure anymore. I was more certain of its ease before the directions than after, and I think that says something. For example, the extra shuttle that's in the loom, is that supposed to be there? Do I need to take it out? They don't mention this in the booklets. The section on re-threading is so unintuitive that I've decided to read it again tomorrow when I've had some coffee and a night's rest. I mean, this really shouldn't be rocket science.

Overall, I've given this thing 4 stars because I think it WILL be easy to use once I figure out how to do it (on the Internet, not through the materials they've provided), and because it seems to be built sturdy (sturdily?). I'm sure I will get hours of enjoyment out of it and hopefully a completed, usable product; however, all this is wishful thinking in light of the fact that for now I simply cannot figure out if I'm even using this "toy" correctly at all.

By the way, this is the Easy Weaver A, not B. The booklets refer to both, and the box does not seem to mention the model.

I have had a great experience with this product. It arrived prethreaded and in nice packaging. My seven year old was able to create a placemat without trouble. One piece did need come unglued, but a quick call to the company confirmed that I could try to re-glue it at home or send it back for a replacement. I opted to glue it myself because my daughter didn't want to wait. The piece hasn't come unglued again and we have now owned this loom for over a year.

Buy Harrisville Designs Style A Easyweaver Now

I had intended to purchase this Harrisville Easyweaver, but after consulting with two very experienced weavers, was advised that there is a MUCH better quality, and very easy to use loom, available for a similar cost (actually slightly less).

The loom that both experienced weavers recommended, is called the "Little Quick Weaver", and is a mom and pop product made in Michigan.

The craftsmanship, and finish of the "Little Quick Weaver" is superb!

I am very glad that I solicited the advice of two weaving experts, prior to actually making a loom purchase.

If you type "Little Quick Weaver" into a search engine, or go to Ebay, you will find the "Little Quick Weaver" listed for sale there.

UPDATE: Nov. 19th, 2012: I can no longer find the "Little Quick Weaver" listed for sale ... anywhere.

I would like to buy another one. If anyone can find it please advise me.

Read Best Reviews of Harrisville Designs Style A Easyweaver Here

I purchased the Easy Weaver A used for myself.Expecting it to be ready for weaving, the entire loom was a tangled mess. After untangling all the yarn and figuring out how to get it going took most of a day.It was a good thing that it was not purchased for a child.I was looking for something simple to learn weaving with and thought I would buy used.

When it arrived, I was very disappointed. I believe that the seller had misrepresented the item by not declaring that someone had cut the yarn at the base creating the mess.And it was definitely a mess.

Next time I will spend the extra to buy new.

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