Jenga Game

Jenga Game"Jenga" is one of those games that, no matter how many times you play it, never gets old.Each game is entirely different from the previous one, and becoming obsessed with being able to stack those little wooden blocks as high as you can is not uncommon.As the stack reaches higher and higher, so do your nerves.

Fun: This game is a lot of fun.You haven't seen someone sweat until you've played "Jenga."You know how hard it is to keep your hand steady when you know that one wrong move could send the entire tower of blocks crashing to the floor?Talk about pressure.Some blocks are smooth; some blocks are rough.Trying to figure out which blocks to move (and when) only increases the fun factor.

Educational Value: Not much in this case.If you're looking for something to help you with your stacking or balancing skills, this could be the game for you.This game also teaches you how to play with a delicate touch; get too rough, and your sky-scraper of blocks will consider you a pushover.

Durability: I seriously doubt you're going to be able to break this game.Not unless you've got a buzz saw handy.This game is very durable; no matter how many times your wooden blocks crash to the floor, they will not break.If you're looking for a game that will last for a LONG TIME, "Jenga" is right up your alley.

"Jenga" can be played all by yourself or with friends.Both are great ways to play it, although playing with the blocks is most fun with others.The interaction with other people especially makes it a winner; people who appear to be sturdy as a rock may not be as confident as they seem when you set this game in front of them.Nobody I know has been able to keep a cool head when the tower of blocks begins to sway . . . and then CRASH!!

Funny stuff.I highly recommend this game.

Basically you take a block from the stack and then place it on the top. As you take blocks from the stack, the chances of having a collapse become higher.

This is a fun game.

We have put a few twists on it due to my two year old deciding he wanted to play with us. One way we play is we devide the blocks out and just start stacking with one block at a time. With my clumsy hands and a two year old (almost three) we quickly run into problems and the challenge becomes harder. Very fun. Another way we play is we take one from the stack but we don't place it on top, we stick it in our own pile. Whoever has the most blocks when the tower collapses wins.

It is fun the way you are supposed to play it as well. We just made these other ways up as we went along with our kiddos.

I like games that inspire creativity. I like that we can play it a different way and enable it to become a whole family affair instead of just a game for adults that the kids watch. This is a great game for younger children because they like watching the blocks fall. When we play we tie counting into it and talk about why the blocks fall (gravity), why they are loose and so on. IT is great for pre readers because it is developing eye and hand coordination.


Buy Jenga Game Now

Jenga's only "fault" is its addictiveness! One round just isn't enough. Everybody watching wants in on the action, and its durability the little wooden blocks are just indestructible make it a great value. Price is very reasonable and this is a game that the kids and you will play again and again. Boredom factor is zero. Its easy portability makes it a great game for vacations.

Read Best Reviews of Jenga Game Here

Jenga is great fun, as long as you have the right number and the right type of people to play it with. It is a twist on the classic Jack Straws game, where one item has to be removed without the stack collapsing. The difference with Jenga is that the removed wooden brick then has to be placed on top of the pile! The degree of dexterity involved means this isn't suitable for the under 5s, but other than that its appeal is very wide. The blocks are durable and the game is easy to pack away and set up. You might get bored with it if you have too many players as you have a long wait for your turn, but three or four people is the ideal. Recommended.

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