Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype

Uncle Chestnut's Table GypeI supported this product on Kickstarter and was so excited when I heard that it would be a reality. I got Gype for Christmas and got beat the first two games I played.But, over time, you get better.You think of better strategies.Two Player is okay, but 3 and 4 players is where it gets crazy fun!There are several ways to play this game.You can even make up your own.One of the games we made up is called "Forest Fire."This is where each player starts off with 6 trees and 2 flames (and can place them in any order they choose).Reply to this comment, explaining any of your own made-up-games using Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype.

I ordered Gype via Kickstarter to fund the first manufacturing run. The product quality is while not stellar certainly sufficient.

The game comes in a handy bag and is easy to set up. It basically takes 2 minutes to read the rules and start playing. The first game I played took about 15 minutes (2 player). It was amazing! The games moves quickly. There is some thinking involved but not too much. Whenever it gets too tricky the element of luck comes in.

Its a really nice game to relax, have fun and still have a nice conversation while playing.

$25 for a fun evening with friends? That's more than worth the money.


Buy Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype Now

We have this little game, we love it so much.The game play is intriguing and unique!Each side of the square pieces moves a different way, bringing an element of randomness to the game.There is some thinking, but it's not overly intellectual, and it moves quick!I estimate that it could be played with children as young as 7 or 8.If your family or group of friends enjoys intriguing game design or unique games, this is a great one!

Read Best Reviews of Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype Here

This is a great little game to break out if you're looking for something quick and fun to play. The game reminds me of a combination of chess and Chinese checkers. When only two people are playing the game can be completed in as little as 10 minutes. When 3 or more players are participating though is when the game gets really fun.

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Played our first game of Gype tonight with the family and they really had fun with it.It reminded me of some of the 4-player variants of Chess or Stratego, and also of the game Traverse.But the really innovative parts of this game are that when pieces are "jumped" that they aren't removed from the game, but rather the pieces themselves are dice that need to be rolled.This changes everything, literally.From our experience it seems like the "flame" and "hat" were some of the most effective pieces.So if an opponent has one of those in a strategic place, and you jump it, then that piece will most likely change.

It is a great combination of strategy and chance (imagine a game of Chess where the pieces could change mid-game). Strategy purists can play a variant where the types of pieces are fixed at the beginning and don't change.

Another feature of this game is that it is really portable a fabric board, bag, and pieces.So it travels well in the van, camping, backpacking (no box to break or mess up).

The production quality isn't as polished as many "Big Co." games, but it has a nice "hand-crafted" feel which I don't mind at all (doesn't detract from playing).



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