Harry Potter Quidditch The Game

Harry Potter Quidditch The GameMy idea of hell is a little girl (8 years old) disappointed on her birthday.

This game creates a good first impression. The box is nice looking and the playing pieces are well printed.

The first problem starts to arise when one finishes punching out the one hundred fiddly little game pieces and starts to read the rules, which, although quite well written, are still very confusing.

One begins to play the game, hoping that the rules will become clearer. Unfortunately they do. As the confusion clears, the boredom sets in.

The board is far too small, and initially covered in the aforementioned one hundred fiddly little game pieces. This makes maneuvering the player pieces awkward for a grown up and frustrating and difficult for a child. There is no clear objective to the game other than to move the players aimlessly around the board, waiting either for a catcher to pick up a quaffle or a searcher picks up the snitch. When a catcher lands on a quaffle piece, the player gets to attempt to fire a plastic ball with a catapult through a plastic "goal" at the opponent's end of the board. This is arguably the most fun you're going to have this evening. When a searcher lands on a snitch piece, the game is over. Period.

As my daughter pointed out, attention to the details of Harry Potter's world is also patchy.

(1) As everybody knows, the Gryffindor Quidditch team includes several girls. As far as we could tell, all the players in this game are represented as boys. That is a huge demerit for this father of a daughter.

(2) The Searcher for the Slytherin team is depicted as a dark haired boy. Again, as every one knows, Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Searcher is blonde.

(3) In Quidditch, a goal counts as ten points, not as one point as stated in the rules of this game.

In conclusion, good production values are let down by poor attention to detail and a confusing and boring game concept. Way over priced. Parents, save your money for the books!

Whoever designed this game obviously did not play it. The concept looks fun real hoops and a catapult to launch the Quaffle through them to score but try spending a couple of hours fruitlessly launching the fingernail-sized ball at a hoop only to miss and watch it disappear under the sofa, under a table, into a dark corner, into dust-dinos, into a child's mouth. Add to this, incomprehensible rules, and 150 (someone was being too cute for words here) tiny, tiny tokens that conceal the Snitch. The game is cumbersome and deadly boring, with none of the grace, finesse, speed and strategy that make Quidditch the best game in the wizarding world. Save your money! The Quidditch card game (...) is much better.

Buy Harry Potter Quidditch The Game Now

My daughter received this game for her 9 year old birthday.It is probably the most confusing and boring game a kid could get.A zillion pieces and the most confusing rules imaginable.We are both familiar with the Harry Potter books and movies so I was expecting something playable and fun.I guarantee she will never play this game again after setting up for a 1/2 hour and playing for a tedious 20 minutes. Boring, boring , boring. A total waste.

This game is a good example of someone just trying to make money off a popular franchise name.

Read Best Reviews of Harry Potter Quidditch The Game Here

I thought this toy would be better but it turned out that all it is, is A BIG WASTE OF TIME!This game takes a very long time to set up (maybe 25 minutes).I playd this game 2 times and i never played it again!I didn't like this game anddon't recomend this to other people.

Want Harry Potter Quidditch The Game Discount?

With all the excitement about Harry Potter, we anticipated a wonderful Thanksgiving eve with the Quidditch game.NOT!!

Directions are very unclear.There are no clear instructions about how moves are to be made.One hundred game pieces are set on the board (we think) but there are no instructions for where they are to be placed.And what is the likelihood of turning up the ONE snitch card among 100 with two teams playing?Although shooting the quaffle is fun, it is practically impossible to go through the hoops, and the little ball usually rolls off the table to who-knows-under-what-piece-of-furniture.Our players were both adults and bright kids, most of whom are intimately familiar with Harry Potter books and movie.None of us could figure this out so we had to put it away.

Wish Amazon had a ZERO STAR rating.


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