I probably, okay i DID, go overboard on buying such a monster huge wagon. On second thought I'd have bought a Radio Flyer Pathfinder with the cute door that opens and closes.I chose this because well you can never have too much space and because the pathfinder DIDN'T have safety belts. Stupid, idealistic me ignored the fact that my son can escape from ANY belt or strap made by humans. I can't fit in my empty Honda Accord trunk. We only take it when we take my husband's Nissan Pathfinder. It's huge but like a HUMVEE Limo for my son. Radio Flyer puts "drain" holes in the bottom so you can leave it out. I joke that if I could plug up the holes, I'd fill the main area up with water and let my son splash in his limo jacuzzi when we take walks around the neighborhood and my 9 year old nephew loves to come over anduse it as a "bobsled" down the hill in my big backyard (big as a football field). It can easily be pulled by my 20 month old son (engineering and parts are fantastic) and when we go to the theme park (weekly basis since we have season passes), my son and his 9 year old cousin love to sit in there and be pulled. The canopy is a godsend for sunny sunny SUNNY florida. It can haul anything. We fold the seats down and sneak in bottles of water since it's [..] at the theme park and carry all of my son's diapers, towels, and clothing changes for the water park. Other than that, it mostly stays at home for walks. Make sure to have a good place to store this. No space in our garage and since I like to keep it bug free and clean, it stays hidden under our dining table.
Buy Radio Flyer Ultimate Family WagonTM Now
This wagon is built well and is spacious...actually too large to maneuver well in crowded areas. The canopy is a bit tricky to install.The wagon itself is easy to assemble, but the fact that it cannot be dismantled (other than removing the canopy) presents a problem in trying to take it anywhere in a mid-sized vehicle.It would not fit in a trunk.One needs either an SUV or a vehicle wherein the back seats fold down...then you lose passenger seating.I wish we had downsized.Again, there is nothing wrong with the quality.I should have paid more attention to the overall measurements.
Read Best Reviews of Radio Flyer Ultimate Family WagonTM Here
Our two kids have the best time chatting and interacting with each other in this. They often fall off to sleep when we go on long walks. It folds easily and the canopy is the jewel in the crown. I wish I had bought it much earlier. Anyways , if you are still reading this and want to know what I would like different here.....its the wheels ! I wish they were the real tires which can be inflated with air. I think it would have made the ride even smooth on dirt roads. I mean if you are on paved surface, its no problem but I find us often taking the wagon to a semi dirt roads when outdoors. We've even taken this to camp on Angel Island. I considered going for the classic but the flat bed does not seem as fun as the folding seats on this one.
Want Radio Flyer Ultimate Family WagonTM Discount?
We wanted light weight, durable for camping or parades, big enough for a 3 and a 4 year old.This had it all!The canopy is adorable. The kids love it!
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