Crayola Tadoodles Scribble and Sing Art Station

Crayola Tadoodles Scribble and Sing Art StationOK, maybe I'm exaggerating a tad bit, but not much.I don't mind messy toys, there is playdoh all over my house after all, but this toy is just ridiculous.Noisy and messy, what a wonderful combination.My MIL purchased it for my 2 year old to keep him busy while I help his older brothers with school work the problem is if you look away from your burgeoning artist for a minute you have a rather large mess on your hands.The idea of having markers without tops that don't dry out sounds good in theory, but the application leaves much to be desired.The color is made from a watery liquid stored in the little "animals".If you press them to the paper and hold them down this liquid will come running out, a fact that my son discovered quickly.He also discovered that if you bang them on the table little color drops will spatter all over the place enjoyable for him, not so much for me.Oh and the voice that sings (and I use that term loosely) the color songs is the most grating one I have ever heard.If you receive this as a gift, RUN, don't walk, back to the store.

My daughter got this for her 2 year old birthday.She and her older sister (4 years old) have fun playing with it however i do not like the design.My kids were constantly grabbing at the markers to where the paint tip was in their palm & then they would flip it over so their hands got so messy.(Look at the picture of the product how else is a kid supposed to pick up the marker?) Also the paint is very wet & mixes a lot on the paper so that the tips of the "markers" end up all being the same shade of dark brown/black when you are done playing with them.the nice thing is that you can clean them by rubbing them on a clean sheet of paper when you are done until the color comes back.However i'm less likely to pull out this toy due to the amout of clean-up required (paint all over toy, clothes, hands, etc.).I'm sure of the educational value it "sings" when you put a marker in the center spot & talks about the color that is in that spot (so if you put the green in that spot, it sings a song about green) it also will randomly select a "way" to draw (squiggles, dots, etc.) Maybe if you played this toy with an adult & a child (vs two children) it would be more educational (you could reinforce the song, etc.) however my kids wouldn't really pay attention when it was singing they thought the tunes were catchy but they weren't listening to "dots" vs "squiggles", etc. so i'm not sure that aspect of the toy is utilized. I also thought it might help my 2 year old with her colors but i'm not sure it's doing that.Overall not a toy i would recommend to friends.

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The markers sit in the holder ink side up, so when a child grabs a marker they get a hand full of ink.The ink gets everywhere.And there is lots of ink.It saturates the paper.The paper remains wet and the ink is then transferred to arms, clothes, and everywhere else.I love a good messy art project, but this is too much.

The educational value is dubious at best.It names the color of the marker when a marker is placed in the yellow cradle and it sings a song.An adult saying "would you like the blue marker?" would have more value.

I would not suggest this toy to anyone.I'd rather give my toddler a handful of uncapped permanent markers than this toy.

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My daughter also got this for her 2nd birthday.Although it says that it is age appropriate, it really is not.The markers don't have caps and sit with the marker point up.Which means that my daughter would constantly grab it by the marker part which gets messy.Also, while the markers do sit in a holder that tells you the color and such, the way to make it talk is to push it down.The most natural way for a 2 year old to push something down is to push it down on the top (where the marker ink is) with the palm of their hand.She ended up with ink all over her.It does clean up easy however, not a sit by yourself and color while I make dinner kind of toy due to the mess factor.I returned mine.Maybe more appropriate for an older child.

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Our 15 month old daughter really likes these markers.She has mild success drawing with them only because she tends to hold them upside down, and doesn't apply enough pressure for the marker to write fully.The ink washes away from hands and clothes no problem.The singing and talking is nice but I am not sure how much education value they have cause we have only had it one week so far.I am happy with this toy and would recommend.

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