King's Table

King's TableI have had a King's Table game for the past 15 years.I bought this one to help pass what little bit of free time I have in Afghanistan.I give this particular version a 4 star rating with mixed feelings.The game pieces are unremarkable, plain cone shaped pieces and spool shaped pieces.The king sort of looks strange and I'll leave it at that.I like that the set has a box beneath to store the pieces.It's a good size if you don't have a lot of space, but if you collect games, this version is too small.It's a good set to begin with but later I chose to make my own board and bought chess men as game pieces.I think that King's Table is a good game for all ages and it's strategies are much different from anything that is widely played these days.One side has the King and his 8 knights and the other side has 16 knights trying to capture the King.The king and his men are trying to get the king to a corner square so the goals and strategies for each side are completely different.The most difficult part is to determine who is the overall winner given that the goals for each side are different.Maybe it's best to play a number of games and swap sides at each games and who ever has the most victories at the end of the series can declare hiself or herself the champion.I think it's a good educational game that would augment chess or checkers or backgammon, etc.Review by Mark Grant, author of Blood of Scotland.

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