POOF-Slinky 33207BL Ideal Sure Shot Hockey Tabletop Game

POOF-Slinky 33207BL Ideal Sure Shot Hockey Tabletop GameMy 5 yr old received this as a present 2 weeks ago from his grandparents. He's addicted to the game, unfortunately, the game isn't addicted to him or the other players in the family.

In a matter of days, the rods controlling the right wingers either broke or struggled to turn smoothly, same with a couple other players. Of the 12 players on the ice only 7 or 8 work properly, despite the fact that we put the toy away every evening, don't slam it or abuse it.

I have fond memories of playing Table/Rod Hockey. So, I bought this for my Son for Christmas thinking it will be fun for us both and also to get him away from Video Games for a time. However, this was a disaster... it literally broke the first time we played and some of the Players don't fit snug enough on the Swivels, so when you move them they literally fly away. The worst part is no SuperGlue or small screws can fix this cheap plastic toy as the part that broke is the twirling nub that holds the Player. You can re-attach him, but he can't pivot. Keep in mind this was NOT played rough. It is flimpsy brittle plastic. Case Closed.

Amazon was no help as they only take Returns for their product and this was one sold through them by another Vendor (who can't be reached)and the Manufacturer is in China with a useless Website and no Repair Parts offered. Absolute waste of $24! Stick with the more expensive versions if you must get this, but be warned they are over $75-300! Too bad... my Kid went back to Video Games and I can confirm once again that nothing is ever as good as we remember it to be.

Buy POOF-Slinky 33207BL Ideal Sure Shot Hockey Tabletop Game Now

The game looks nice and is fun to play, but the men fell off the game constantly and soon were lost.The size of the game makes it big enough to play and small enough to store easily.

Read Best Reviews of POOF-Slinky 33207BL Ideal Sure Shot Hockey Tabletop Game Here

I had a similar hockey game when I was a kid and it was a blast.We played with it for years.

We got this game for Christmas as a gift for my son.After about 1 week of playing with it, one of the hockey players broke off.There is no way to fix the player and it appears there is no way to order replacements either.Its too bad... I'm very disappointed in the quality of this product and would not recommend it to anybody.I am going to see what I can do to return it to the store.

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We bought 3 of these as gifts for a few 5 yr. old boys.They loved it but be warned these break very easily.The hockey players will break the piece that attaches them to the stick.The kids loved them though and for the 5 yr. olds, they don't even realize that a player on someone's team is missing.

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