Strawberry Shortcake Playset - Berry Cafe

Strawberry Shortcake Playset - Berry CafeMy 4 year old DD had to earn this toy by not sucking her thumb. I had it in the closet for awhile, but finally came the time to open it, so I did it after she went to bed so I wouldn't have her hovering around while I try to pull all the tiny pieces out. The pieces are very tiny, but are comparable to Polly pocket size, so I don't recommend this to any child who still puts things in their mouth.

While I was putting it together, I got a close look at all the pieces and I was amazed by the quality! All the furniture is well painted and even though the pieces are small, they all are made well. There is nothing more annoying than when you have a table that is not quite level or sturdy and then the cups fall over when you set the table! With this toy, that doesn't happen.

Another thing that I like about this toy is that the staircase swivels. Moreover, you can take off SSC's dress and change her clothes (if you purchase another set, like the wardrobe). The window shutters open and close as does the door. The bird ride is pretty cool too, although your little one may need help putting SSC on the bird until they get the hang of it. Plus, who doesn't love things that smell like strawberries?! We've had ours for over 3 months and it still smells great! At first, I was worried that the fragrance would irritate my DD's eczema (she has it really bad on her hands), but it hasn't so far, which is yet another positive IMO.

The only thing my DD was dissapointed about was that it didn't come with SSC's pets, Pupcake and Custard. You have to buy them separately (in 2 diff. sets).

If you have/know a little one who loves SSC as well as playsets like Polly Pocket or Ponyville, then this set is for you! Keep your eyes open for sales if you want to save a little money. I got mine for $10 cheaper during an Amazon sale. I have also seen it sold as a combo deal at Wally World with other sets for an extremely good price.

First I would like to say that my DD loves Strawberry Shortcake (SS) and I spent a lot of time choosing which sets to purchase for her birthday.

My DD loved the way the box looked in the store (the presentation in the box is very "attention grabbing") however, after I bought it for her birthday and opened it I was immediately disappointed.

Waaaay to expensive for what it is. Half the pieces were gone before we even finished the party and it is pretty much a "shell of a house". It doesn't even close to hold those tiny chance of keeping them anyway.

There is no handle so my DD could not transport it around the house as she likes so I have to move it for her....It's not heavy, just bulky for my DD.

It should have included at least one of SS "friends" so my DD could actually pretend she was having a tea party as the set-up seems to suggest.

Also, I tried to find a few "friends" and discovered that you have to buy other play-sets to get even one that is the same type.

The SS you get in the package has plastic hair and is a different size than the individually sold characters you can find next to the play-set at the store.

When you buy sets that have the friends, they also contain SS so I end up with 3-4 SS's and 1 of each friend.

More money and frustrating...

Meanwhile....My DD has started to use her SS dolls to play in her regular dollhouse she received last Christmas. More frustration....maybe I should have just bought the dolls...oh, wait you can't.

All in all, I found this particular set to be a complete waste of money...and the entire line to be uncoordinated. The house should have been more substantial and the characters should be able to be bought individually or as a "friend" set.

Buy Strawberry Shortcake Playset - Berry Cafe Now

To a "marketing mom" such as myself, I have to sit back and wonder how many focus groups and/or research and development this toy went through.It is not very well thought out or put together.My main complaint is everything is too small making it difficult to use.The bed is too small for the dolls to lie on.The car is too small making it hard to get Strawberry Shortcake in it.Then the seatbelt is too short to fasten easily.The house is too small, especially the bottom floor, to easily put the kitchen pieces in and play with.Only the tiniest of hands could possibly play in there!The accessories such as the basket and cups do not fit on Strawberry Shortcake's hand.The hat is too small and does not fit on Strawberry Shortcake's head.I could go on and on...My three year old is very frustrated with this toy, but it was a Christmas present so I can't give it away.

The only thing I like about this toy is the strawberry smell that takes me back in time.Hopefully, the designer will read this and go back to the drawing board!!!

Read Best Reviews of Strawberry Shortcake Playset - Berry Cafe Here

This set looks very attractive, and I had already purchased some of the other smaller playsets, so I deliberated on whether to purchase this or not. My daughter loves Strawberry Shortcake and her friends and would make a bee-line for this toy every time we went to the store. During one of my daughter's playdates, her friend had this set and after observing them at play and also after handling these toys for a while, I decided against buying it. The main reason is the tiny accessories that comes with this playset the food items etc are miniscule and can be easily misplaced (my common complaint with the accessories in the Strawberry Shortcake playsets). I can foresee this being a problem in households where there are younger siblings, below the age of three (as they could be a potential choking hazard). Also, the Berry Cafe is not very substantial for the price there is no back cover. It would have been more attractive and practical if it were the kind of building that could open and close, and perhaps have a little handle on top to make for easy carrying. All in all, I found this playset overpriced and not practical.

Want Strawberry Shortcake Playset - Berry Cafe Discount?

My daughter loves this toy, and plays with it every day. Yes, there are a lot of small pieces, but we just have a pencil box that we store all the little pieces in, and we have not yet lost anything in a couple of months. The pieces are well made, very detailed painting, and made of thicker more durable plastic. Some pieces have actual screws in them, instead of glue. The bird on top that the dolls can ride in is really fun and easy to work, just push the bird down, and it spins around as it slowly pops back up. It is a little overpriced at some stores, but if you watch sales you can get it for cheaper, I got a deluxe set with Plum Pudding and the roadster included with the cafe at a large chain retail store based out of Arkansas for one Jackson and four Washingtons. Overall a great toy, obviously not very educational, but great for the imagination.


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