Buy Tabletopics - What Would You Do Edition Now
I was a guest at a dinner party where the original table topics was used.I enjoyed it enough to look up the other editions.This game is a fun way to spur interesting conversation in a group.Read Best Reviews of Tabletopics - What Would You Do Edition Here
I purchased the box of questions thinking that it would be something fun to have around. I was wrong. The questions are based on morales and other awful situations. Here are two examples: What would you do if you saw a dog trapped in a hot car? What would do if the clothes you bought were made by a sweat shop? Well now I am just depressed and sad at the thought of either of those things. I want to cry because these cards make me think about the worst in people and society. Yuk!
How are these questions fun or entertaining? I guess I am missing the point completely! If you want to depress your guests and make people feel uncomfortable then buy them and see what happens? Maybe you could pull them out when you want people to leave your house. I would have thought of questions like what was your most embarrassing moment? or something else along those lines. A party is about having fun and socializing not something to start debates or depress people.
I threw the cards into the recycle bin and will keep the lovely box for something else more worthy.
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