The Pocket Referee Special Addition Gold Finish Coin-A Fun Solution for Kids to Use to Resolve Ever

The Pocket Referee Special Addition Gold Finish Coin-A Fun Solution for Kids to Use to Resolve Every Day ConflictsThe Pocket Referee has been incredibly helpful at our house. We have been working with our daughters on when they can resolve conflict between themselves, and when they should come to us for assistance. So we got the Pocket Referee and explained to them how it worked. When a disagreement comes up, the child holding the coin can decide just how much they want to have their way in this situation, or if they want to wait to get their way another time when it is for something they may want even more. So for example, when our daughters both want to play with the same toy, and agree to take turns but cannot agree on who will go first...out comes the Pocket Referee. It gives my 8 year old something to hold in her hand, slow her down, and think about how badly she really wants to go first. Maybe later that night she would rather be the one to choose the book we read at bedtime. If that is the case, she would let her younger sister have the first turn, and keep the coin. But if she decided that she really wanted that first turn, she would give the coin to my younger daughter. Next time a disagreement came up, she would have the choice of having her way or keeping it for something even bigger and better later. I wasn't sure at first how long it would take for the girls to catch onto the Pocket Referee, or if they would accept that you had to abide by the choice the other child made...but after maybe 3 uses, they got it. They are learning to become independent problem solvers and actually have fun using the coin. It seems to make them feel empowered and we have less of the 'that's not fair' whine that can come after Mom or Dad makes the decision for the kids. I highly recommend this product.

The coins have proven to be very effective, but in a way that I never imagined.I have three kids so I bought both the gold and silver coins.The two oldest kids are so motivated to keep the two coins, that they end up giving in to my 5 year old son pretty much all the time.The coins have only changed hands a few times, but there have definitely been less arguments over the past few weeks.Even if you have three kids, I would highly recommend the Pocket Referee.It has greatly reduced the number of petty arguments in our house!

Buy The Pocket Referee Special Addition Gold Finish Coin-A Fun Solution for Kids to Use to Resolve Ever Now


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