I bought this ping pong net for a basic, no frills ping pong table, at a summer house. In other words, the table gets abused, and we go through a lot of nets.This is a basic no frills net.It doesn't even seem to have strings through the casing top or bottom to adjust the tension.Just a plastic top and bottom.I don't expect it to last.But a plus to this net is that the C-clamp part of the simple metal clamp is deep enough that it goes around the edge of my particular table, which has a pretty deep apron.I have had limited success finding a deep enough clamp in the past.What I don't understand is why the net is several inches longer than the distance between the clamps, when they are as far out as they go. Instead of stringing the net across from clamp to clamp across the table. I have to wrap it around the clamps to use up several extra inches of length.Can anyone reading this who knpws more about ping pong tables than I do tell me whether this is normal?I was expecting to stretch it across more like a badminton net, with the strings going through the holes.Am I doing something wrong?
Buy Champion Sports Tie-On Table Tennis Net and Post Set Now
I had expected the net would be tight when set up; however, it's tricky to get the net to stand up completely straight. It tends to sag and buckle a bit in areas. For the price, it's probably worth it though.Just know you'll be making adjustments as needed (which will likely be more frequently than you thought).Read Best Reviews of Champion Sports Tie-On Table Tennis Net and Post Set Here
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