They do bounce but not at all like ping pong balls. I ordered them for my cats and now have ordered real ping pong balls because they like the lighter weight and higher bounce of real ones. you would not want any kid who puts things in their mouths to have these balls. They are a choking hazard for them and for dogs too. My cats have been playing with these especially the young cat and i don't know what else they would ever be good for.

I bought these as they seemed like a bargain, however, buyer beware! These are simply hard plastic balls with absolutely zero bounce. They are smaller than a regular Ping Pong ball, yet about twice as heavy. They are useless for Ping Pong, but would work well for anybody who needs hard plastic balls that do not bounce... don't know why anyone would want that, but if you are looking for regulation PING PONG BALLS, keep looking, these are not them.
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We are foster parents for kittens, so we have a time laughing while our foster kittens chase these on our wood floors. As our kittens are adopted, we include one of these color pinp pong balls with each kittens, which allows the kittens new owner to share in many laughs.
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They were great for the project in which I used them (drilled holes and hot-glued them over stringed lights) but they are not really ping-pong balls too heavy plastic and too small for ping-pong balls.
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I did not get these for ping pong so I can;t comment on if they are good or not. They are cheap and not very smooth on the seam. Since I am cutting them in 1/2 it isn ot a big deal for me.
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