Discovery Kids Wooden 54 Piece Activity Table with Train Set

Discovery Kids Wooden 54 Piece Activity Table with Train SetThis is a great size for my 11 month old and will continue to work great for another year or two.It works perfect for playing with her shape blocks and just about all her other toys.This also works great for a stable peice of furniture for infants/toddlers to use as a stabilizer for standing and learning to walk).I'm not really interested in the train parts (neither is my daughter at this stage) but they're cool enough (basic, simple).There's a few peiced that I pulled out because they were a tad too small (a tree and a bush).There's also a storage area under the top boards which I used to put a rice layer in (kind of like a sandbox) for learning textures.The boards are a little weak or thin but for this size table it's fine.That was my only reason for giving a 4 out of 5.

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