I bought this item for my 2 year old son. The table arrived promptly and was very easy to put together. The legs screw into place. All the hardware necessary is already set there so its just screw in the legs to the table and stool tops and ready to go.
A con about the table would be that it does seem to get surface scratches. (this might bother some people)
The scratches did not bother me because they were not deep enough to take the paint off the table. My son has roughly played with his cars on top of the table top and "crashed" them into each other and the table. The paint is still intact.
I'm giving it 5 stars because its easy to set up, even at 9 months pregnant like I am. It is durable (sturdy) but light weight enough that my son can easily move the stools around. And finally, I'm not one to be Vain about the scratches because I know that anything a 2 year old gets his/her hands on is bound to take somewhat of a beating.
I'm glad I made this decision to buy this table it has been worth the money and the smile on my sons face because it is a "McQueen" table. :)We bought this table and stools set for our 2 year old grandson and it's perfect.It took very little assembly, and as he grows, the stools will be good rather than chairs, that may otherwise become too small.The graphics of the Disney Cars theme is bright and colorful and the table's large enough that he can share the space with his sister.
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