As long as you don't get gouged on the price, this table is great.Check around on the prices.I got this for my 5 month old at christmas time.She couldn't stand on her own, but she could bear weight just fine, so she really enjoyed playing with it as I held her steady.Now that she is older and standing on her own (8 months), she still loves it.The activities are simple but entertaining.She loves the music and it is not at all annoying.It is sea-themed music and sound effects.The spinning ball in the middle is the main fun attraction but she uses all the parts and they are good for learning dexterity.I believe this is something she will happily crawl/walk over to and play with as time goes on.It isn't anything that she seems to get tired of so far because of the music and lights and variety of things to do.It may not be as "fancy" as some of the other tables, but it is also cheaper, a bit smaller (takes up less space), and probably less annoying.and babies don't care about fancy.I love the colors, too.

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