Buy Carrom 400.01 Skittles Game Now
I bought this game because I remember playing it as a child and it did not disappoint. If you've never tried it, you will not believe how many hours of fun it can bring.As far as this set in particular goes, I gave it a 4 out of 5 for quality. In my mind it only lost a few point for the quality of the top (as in the thing that you spin)
The set is made of real wood and is very well constructed. The top, itself needs a bit of work though. The dowel separated from the cylinder and had to be glued on for stabilization. We might make a new one on our own. This is really a minor complaint considering the low price and great quality of the rest of the set.
Also, just a few tips:
1) use your own cotton string, it grips the top better than the string provided
2) The flat side of the top actually works better than the pointed side for this game. It is a bit counterintuative, but try it.
Read Best Reviews of Carrom 400.01 Skittles Game Here
I remembered playing skittles when I was a kid in the 1950's.So I bought it for myself for Christmas wondering if my grand kids now 5 & 7 would like it.So I took it with me to Charlotte, N.C.On Christmas Eve I pulled out skittles, and they loved it.On Christmas they got many electronic games Xbox, etc.Guess what, by the end of the day they were playing skittles as much as Xbox and the other gifts.What a joy is was to know that old simple games held there attention as it did me in the 50's.
Want Carrom 400.01 Skittles Game Discount?
I ordered Skittles 5 days before Christmas, as a last minute gift. The Discoveryinformed me on Dec. 20th my order, which they had confirmed weeks before, was out of stock. I'll never, ever order anything from them again. Well, after about an hour on my computer, Skittles was the only present I liked that could be delivered before Christmas. The gift was for my 6 year old grandson that I was traveling across the country to visit.I arrived the Sunday after Christmas and my grandchildren had already openned all their other presents. I wasn't sure this "old fasion" toy would be a hit or not. My expectations were exceeded. Skittles was in direct competion with Wii and came out even. Everyone from 6 to 60 loved it. Unlike Wii, the game is so unpredictable it makes for great competition between children and adults. My grandchildren loved beating grandpa. So did my daughter and son-in-law. We had trouble getting the kids to stop playing and come to the dinner table. You will be surprised how much fun this game is. I was a grumpy Grandpa when I thought I wouldn't have a present for one of my grandchildren. But thanks to and Skittles I'm a greatful Grandpa.
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