The game is pretty simple and the rules on the box explain them perfectly!The questions are pretty good.Sometimes I couldn't answer the kid questions and my parent couldn't answer the adult ones, but that is to be expected.We had hours of fun playing this game though.
If you like trivia and being asked questions, then this is the game for you!The game is a mix of checkers and trivia.Once you answer a question correctly, you move your game piece forward on the board.When you have all your pieces on the other side of the board, you win! There are tons of cards so there are always new questions to answer.
Overall, I think the game is pretty good.It's not my favorite board game ever but it definitely passes the time and helps you learn some pretty cool facts!
()First off, this is a fun game. The parents ask kids questions that would be hard for them, like history and other common trivia. The kids in turn ask parents questions about current cartoons and other things kids would be likely to know, but parents would most likely struggle with. Here is the thing, though. Some kids are smart, and know tons of trivia and history. And some parents are "hip" and know about things like SpongeBob Squarepants and Disney Princesses. So the game could be easy or hard depending on the family.
Also, the game is supposed to be relatively challenging. If everyone knows every question, it isn't much fun. On the other hand, if no one can answer any question, it's also no fun. However, you can modify the game by providing hints to make questions easier or leaving out details to make them harder to answer.
Overall, this is a good game and it is fun now but my biggest problem with it is what is going to happen to this game in 20 years. None of the kids questions will be relevant anymore. This is a very "pop culture" oriented game and is not going to withstand the test of time. I can't give it a low rating because of that, however, because as of today, right now, my family and I (wife and 2 pre teens) enjoy the game and have played it about 10 times and we all enjoy it.
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()Not much to say, the cards were either incredibly hard or incredibly easy, and there aren't enough questions in the game itself for it to even have much of a replay value with the same people again.If they released extra and better cards for it, or a newer better edition, I might consider buying it, but only after reading a lot of reviews for it.
I like the concept of the game, its a great idea, but for it really work as a trivia game, it needs to have more cards (and not have the answers to questions on the cards so easily read), closer to the amount you'de get with a game like Apples to Apples or Trivial Pursuit, and have questions that aren't extremely easy for one age group and not the other, it is too easy for the children to win, and too hard for the adults, maybe that's the real reason its called "Beat the Parents"?;P
I'd pass on this one until a newer and better one comes out, or another game company improves upon it because this one just doesn't cut it as being fun or replayable.
God Bless ~Amy
Read Best Reviews of Beat The Parents Board Game Here
Our family enjoyed playing this on vacation, but after playing it around 4 times, we were all the way through the cards, and they do not sell refill packs with new questions (at least at the time of this review).The nature of the game renders the card useless once you have used it once.
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()I thought this would have been just another average game that I would play with the kids and that they would have been bored of after about 10 minutes. Was I in for a surprise. The game turned out to be much more fun than we thought possible. Even my 6 year old got in on the action by answering the questions that he knew the answers for. It turned out that quite a few questions that we thought we knew the answers for we actually had no clue. It was really funny also hearing my kids answer questions that the parents knew. The guesses were totally hilarious. My 15 year old actually thought that pineapples grew on trees. :) It's a very educational game and lots of fun for the entire family. I only wished that it was expandable because after playing for a while the kids started memorizing the answers. I would definitely recommend this game for anyone with kids and grandkids. They would totally enjoy it. I know our family did.
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