This globe is satisfactory in my opinion. It is very vibrant with color and looks great. Some reviewers had problems with the sturdiness, which is somewhat true, but I still think it's sturdy enough. If you want the old school medal framed globes that were unbreakable from your days at school, this is not for you, but I've had no problems in this category.If you are looking for a ultra accurate globe I will say that this does have some issues when regarding the locations of destinations matching the correct lines of latitude and longitude, although I didn't run into any huge discrepancies. It's still fairly accurate, but again, this may not be desirable for advanced geography students. If you are looking for extreme detail out of your globe than I would say shell out the extra $50 though.To be fair though, it is accurate for the most part. Plus you are likely to find even the smallest of cities on this map. I think it's pretty on spot for the price. If your looking for a globe that helps educate kids on general locations of destinations and displays ocean bodies, than this a is great globe.I would recommend this globe.

I bought this globe for myself because I'm a very visual person and seeing where everything is on the planet helps me understand distance, size, etc.This globe has great detail (even my little city, Eugene, Oregon, is noted on it!).The only complaint I'd have about it is that it's not stable if you try to spin it it's wobbly.The base is sturdy, the globe itself is sturdy, but the globe tilts from the bottom axis attachment so it's wobbly.But the colors are beautiful and I love it!
Buy Elenco 11" Desktop Political Globe Now
Bright colors.Big enough, any smaller and you could not read the countries.My 7 year old grandson loves it.He likes searching for countries and comparing their land mass.
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Just opened our new globe.It appears put together well.However, it locates Norfolk, Virginia in North Carolina and appears to place Richmond, Virginia on the Atlantic Coast.What good is a globe that isn't accurate?
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I read many of the reviews and should have known I needed to spend at least $70 for a reasonably well made globe.This one is pretty, except for the scratches it came with, but it wobbles with just the slightest movement and I doubt it will hold up.I'll return it for a better one.
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