Red Tool Box Candy Maze

Red Tool Box Candy MazeI received this "toy" as a gift from my granddaughter (9) who assembled it herself.I love it! I fill it with Jelly Belly jelly beans (other brands are too big) and crank away to get the jelly beans one by one.I use it by my computer and it cuts down on eating a whole bag at once and it's fun to use, so I can crank away for one or many.It's fun to see the jelly beans go down the ramps and finally gets to the tray where you can eat away.The kit was educational for my granddaughter who had to use a hammer and glue to put it together and she decorated the finished kit with stick on fruits.I recommend this kit, and you'll enjoy the results as I have.

I was very unhappy with what I got. I did NOT receive what I ordered. And being that it was a Christmas gift I didn't have time to send it back and get what I had ordered. I was sent the Red Tool Box Race Car. Luckily the gift was for a boy.

Buy Red Tool Box Candy Maze Now


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