Now, perhaps you are lucky enough to live in a house with Tools. But if you're like me and use a shoe as a hammer, good luck.By the time I was done screwing through the thick plastic, my hand was a gnarled, twitching claw.
Otherwise, it's pretty awesome.But just be warned.We gave this desk to my daughter for her 3rd birthday.She loves having a space that she can keep all of her art supplies and that she can get messy.Unfortunately, her little brother can reach most of the desk's storage area and regularly raids her art desk, but that is obviously not the desk's fault.
The desk is good for organization, and we love that it allows her to practice her creativity and writing skills whenever she wants!
Buy Step2 Art Master Activity Desk Now
Although my three year old did not have this on her wish list, we bought her this desk to put in our family room as she needed a place to color.We have had the desk for over 6 months and we all love it.As a parent, it is extremely durable and can be easily cleaned.It has great storage...coloring books, paper, crayons, erasers, colored pencils, stickers, etc.It holds them all.For our daughter, it has provided hours of playtime.She absolutely loves it and enjoys all the nooks and crannies to hold her stuff.This is one toy more than worth the money.Read Best Reviews of Step2 Art Master Activity Desk Here
This desk is amazing! My son is almost six and enjoys writing and drawing.Now, instead of spending time on the kitchen floor with this stuff all over he works at his desk.The side compartments are great for storing all his stuff!I would definitely recommend .
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This desk provides so much for my art interested 5 year old.It teaches organization, which I love, it's Step 2 so you know it's sturdy and made to last, and it's got a little light, how cute is that.Seriously, for the money, your getting a product that will last and last.
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